Desktop Billing

Desktop Billing


WinTOTAL’s desktop billing system provides a fast and easy way to bill clients, track invoices, and manage payments to your staff.  It’s similar to the business management features on Appraiser XSites, but it’s geared more towards small shops - and specifically towards businesses that don’t have off-site appraisers or the need to access billing and status functions when out of the office.  If you’re considering desktop billing and you work with off-site appraisers, your Appraiser XSite’s business management tools typically provide the better solution as they are geared towards larger offices that may also have off-site appraisers.


Getting Started

If you decide that WinTOTAL’s desktop billing system is your ideal billing solution, you can access it through the Appraisal Desktop.  To enable WinTOTAL’s desktop billing functions…

  1. Enable desktop billing.
  2. At a minimum, make sure that you define your master product and fee list.  Then, if you want to extend WinTOTAL’s billing system further so that you can cater your products and fees to each client, you can set up client specific fee lists and assign those out to your clients.
  3. If you have staff appraisers and you intend to use WinTOTAL’s desktop billing system to track their appraisal work and any payments you make to them, be sure to define at least a default fee split list.  Then, if you decide to extend your fee splits so that each appraiser has a different split list, define a set of appraiser specific fee splits and assign those out to your staff appraisers.
  4. If you want to manage your old WinTOTAL billing data through WinTOTAL’s desktop billing system, you can also import that old data using the billing data import wizard.

Once you’ve completed these steps you’re ready to use desktop billing. To access it, click the Billing button in the Appraisal Desktop.


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