Configuration > Appraiser Specific Fee Splits
Appraiser Specific Fee Splits |
If you want to take advantage of WinTOTAL’s billing tools to help you keep
track of payments you make to your staff appraisers, you must first define how
you split appraisal fees with your staff members. To do so…
- From desktop billing, click Fee
Setup in the Navigation pane to the left.
- Then, click the Appraiser Fees link that appears below
the Navigation pane.
- Click Add to create a new fee split table.
- Type a name for your fee table such as “Staff Appraiser” or “Trainee” in
the box provided and click Save.
- Add, delete, and edit the products and fees listed for this appraiser
specific fee split list as necessary.
- Select a product from the drop down list of products and click
Add to add it to your default fee splits list. Then,
choose a Fee Split Type (Percent or Dollar) and fill in
your Appraiser, Supervisor, and
Other splits using the fields provided.
- To update an existing job type, just enter your changes into the
Split Type, Appraiser,
Supervisor, and Other fields provided.
- To delete a job type, click the Delete link beside
- Repeat this process until you’ve added or updated your fee list to include
all your products and fees.
- Click OK to save your changes.