Configuration > Defining Fee Splits
Before you can take full advantage of your XSite’s employee payment tracking
tools, you must first setup your appraiser fee splits. To do so…
- From desktop billing, click Fee
Setup in the Navigation pane to the left.
- Then, click the Appraiser Fees link that appears below
the Navigation pane.
- Select the “Default Fees” table and click Edit.
These are your standard fee splits for various job types. Add, delete,
and edit the products and fees listed as necessary.
- Select a product from the drop down list of products and click
Add to add it to your default fee splits list. Then,
choose a Fee Split Type (Percent or Dollar) and fill in
your Appraiser, Supervisor, and
Other splits using the fields provided.
- To update an existing job type, just enter your changes into the
Split Type, Appraiser,
Supervisor, and Other fields provided.
- To delete a job type, click the Delete link beside
- Repeat this process until you’ve added or updated your fee list to include
all your products and fees.
- Click OK to save your changes.