Troubleshoot files not uploading to Titan Drive.

This document helps resolve the most common problems when attempting to upload to Titan Drive.

Document 5010  |  Last updated: 08/04/2022 MC7

If you're having trouble uploading your reports to Titan Drive, there are a few simple troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve these issues. First, check that your internet connection is working properly. Next, make sure the report you're trying to upload is not currently open. If this doesn't resolve your issue, choose one of the tabs below to continue troubleshooting.

Select the Power Options tab below if Titan Drive backups fail to run due to the PC going to sleep or turning off. Click the SafeStart tab below for instructions on correcting common issues not related to your PC's sleep settings. If you're still having trouble uploading reports after reviewing your power options and running Titan Drive's SafeStart, click the Additional Steps tab to troubleshoot further.

While we're transitioning from Vault to Titan Drive, various buttons and settings still refer to Vault. Even though they say Vault, these buttons and settings are also used for Titan Drive. These references will be replaced in a future update.
  1. On your keyboard, press  Windows Key + R.
  2. Type taskschd.msc into the Open: field and click OK.

  3. On the left, click Task Scheduler Library. Then double‑click a la mode Vault Backup to open its properties.

  4. In the Conditions tab, check Wake the computer to run this task.

  5. Go to the Settings tab and check Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed. Then, click OK.

If you notice that your scheduled a la mode tasks still don't run at their scheduled time, follow the steps in the SafeStart tab at the top to continue troubleshooting.

  1. On your keyboard, press  Windows Key + R.
  2. In the Open: field, type (or copy and paste) the following command:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\a la mode\Vault\eVault.exe replace

  3. Then, click OK to launch Titan Drive's SafeStart.

    Run Dialogue

    If you have a 32 bit computer, enter C:\Program Files\a la mode\Vault\eVault.exe replace instead. If you're not sure if you have a 32bit or 64bit computer, click here.
  4. When the SafeStart process has finished, click Close on the SafeStart Log and upload your reports to Titan Drive again.

If you're still having trouble uploading reports to Titan Drive, continue with the Additional Steps tab above.

If you've reviewed your power options and you've run Titan Drive's SafeStart, but you're still unable to upload reports, there are a couple more things to check:

Make sure your account is linked.

First, make sure your TOTAL user is linked to your a la mode account and that it's linked to the correct account. To do this, click the User Profile icon (  ) on the upper right of TOTAL's Appraisal Desktop, and select Edit User from the drop‑down menu. Then, go to the Login tab to review your linked account.

Click to enlarge

If your account isn't linked, enter your login information and click Link User. If an account has already been linked, but you want to link your TOTAL User with a different account, click Unlink User, update the Username and Password, and click Link User.

Once you've entered, updated, and/or verified your login information, click Save to save your changes and continue with the section below to verify that your Titan Drive Settings are configured correctly.

Make sure Titan Drive is watching the right folders.

Next, make sure Titan Drive is configured to watch the folders that contain the report(s) you're trying to upload.

The easiest way to make sure the right folders are being watched is to have Titan Drive watch all of your folders. Unlike Vault, which limited the number of files you could upload, Titan Drive has unlimited file storage and is able to back up all of your appraisals. This ensures nothing slips through the cracks, and you're never left in the lurch if you're away from the office and the report you need was accidentally saved in or moved to an unwatched folder.

But, whether you want Titan Drive to back up everything, or you want to pick and choose which folders to watch, you can manage your watched folder list at any time in TOTAL's Configuration Settings:

  1. With TOTAL open, click Tools in the menu on the upper left, and select Configure Settings from the drop‑down menu.
  2. Select Titan Drive from the list of categories on the left.
  3. Check the box next to each folder you want watched in the list of folders. Click Check all above the list of folders to have Titan Drive watch all of the folders in your Appraisal Desktop.

    Click to enlarge

  4. When you're finished, click Save & Close on the lower right.

Make sure Titan Drive is updated.

To get updates for Titan Drive click Start, go to (All) Programs, expand the a la mode Titan Drive folder, and then choose Update Titan Drive & Exact. For more information on updating all your a la mode software, click here.

Still experiencing issues?

If you continue to have trouble uploading files to Titan Drive after reviewing your power options, running Titan Drive's SafeStart, and performing the additional troubleshooting steps above, contact our support at 1‑800‑211‑4511.

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