UAD Reader FAQ

This document answers some of the most frequently asked questions we hear about UAD Reader.

Document 9200  ¦  Last updated:  03/06/2019 MJY

With UAD Reader, you can view MISMO XML 2.6 appraisal files. Below, you'll find a list of frequently asked questions, along with their answers.

Where can I download UAD Reader? Is it free?

Yes, UAD Reader is absolutely free! To download UAD Reader, click here.

I've just installed UAD Reader. How do I get started?

To start using UAD Reader, double‑click on the UAD Reader icon on your desktop, or use one of the following methods:

For Windows Vista and 7 users
Click Start, All Programs, and then click UAD Reader.
For Windows 8 users
From the Start screen, click the arrow (  ) in the lower left, then click UAD Reader.
For Windows 10 users
Click Start, locate the UAD Ready folder, and then click UAD Reader.

Alternately, if you chose to associate MISMO XML files with UAD Reader during installation, you can simply double‑click any MISMO XML file on your PC, or even in an e‑mail.

What's the difference between UAD MISMO XML, and a PDF of the appraisal?

While the GSEs have implemented the requirement that appraisals be delivered in UAD format, and with MISMO 2.6 XML, there are some important distinctions to be aware of.

  1. The PDF is the only part that's an actual appraisal report.
  2. The XML is NOT an appraisal. It's a subset provided for reviewing convenience.
  3. The XML shouldn't vary from the PDF values on the UAD fields.
  4. The XML will never contain formatting.
  5. The XML will be missing almost all of the non‑valuation addenda, such as invoices, cover letters, photo pages, etc.

When I installed UAD Reader, you asked me about my profession. Why?

Depending on what you select, you'll see different options available inside the program. For example, if you're a lender, you'll see our Submit to UCDP tool in the toolbar. Appraisers wouldn't need this option, so it's hidden in the appraiser's view. That's just one example, but the bottom line is we're showing options appropriate for each profession depending on which you select when you install UAD Reader.

When I installed UAD Reader, you asked if I wanted to open all .XML files with UAD Reader. Why would I want to do that?

You'll save a lot of time. If you uncheck that option in the installation, you'll have to open all your .XML files by first opening UAD Reader, then opening the .XML you're looking for by browsing to it. If you set up UAD Reader to always open .XML files, you can just double click the .XML you want to open, and UAD Reader will launch automatically.

Oh no! During installation, I unchecked the option to always open XML files with UAD Reader. Can I go back and fix it now?

No problem. In UAD Reader, click Tools, then Settings. From there you can choose to make UAD Reader the default XML reader for MISMO XML files.

When you asked me my profession during the install, I chose the wrong one. How can I go back and choose a different one?

Click on Tools, then Settings. You'll see the option for switching to a different view of UAD Reader.

When I choose "View PDF", what is it that I'm seeing exactly?

The GSEs' MISMO 2.6 XML requirement actually calls for the .XML to include a base 64 encoded PDF along with the file. The PDF you're seeing inside UAD Reader is the PDF that's embedded inside your .XML file.

What are the UARR Results?

UARR (Uniform Appraisal Review Rules) is a la mode's set of over 1,000 quality control rules that automatically run on appraisal reports and can alert you to inconsistencies, blank fields, and UAD compliance warnings. When you click on UARR Results in UAD Reader, you'll see the items our UARR flagged, which are linked to the actual fields in the report. Click on the UARR flag you're interested in, and you'll see the corresponding field highlighted in the form view at the bottom the UAD Reader screen.

I see some errors in this report. Can I edit this XML or the PDF?

The UAD Reader is for opening, viewing, and managing appraisals. The appraiser responsible for the report you're reading is legally bound to the report, so we don't allow edits to be made to the report from within UAD Reader itself. However, we provide an easy way to request revisions from the appraiser. Just click on Request Revisions in the top tool bar and you can send an instant request to the appraiser to make any changes you need.

Why do some text comments appear cut off when viewing the form?

In the native appraisal file and PDF, comments that "overflow" the allotted space on the form roll to an addendum. The phrase "See attached addendum" is usually inserted. UAD Reader doesn't load addenda pages in the form view, so you may see large text fields that appear to be cut off. The full text is visible in the XML, even if it looks cut off on the form.

Does MISMO 2.6 XML encapsulate every field on every appraisal form?

No, but almost. As you're looking through the form, you may see a small number of fields or checkboxes that are empty, although they contain data in the PDF (as well as in the native appraisal file created from the appraiser's formfiller). The reason is that UAD Reader loads the UAD MISMO XML generated from the appraisal, and not the original native appraisal file itself. Because MISMO XML doesn't contain every field on every form, UAD Reader can only display data for the fields contained in the XML file.

In the 1004 (URAR) and 2055 (Drive By) forms, for example, you may notice the following as being empty in fields or Dynamic Field Expansion (DFE) windows on the form:

Improvements Section:

The Actual Age DFE that displays when clicking Effective Age

The text comment field next to the "Individual" checkbox under Cooling

Cost Approach Section:

When clicking a DFE that includes the "Check this box when including the Cost Approach"

The Effective Age and Lifespan fields in the Depreciation Calculation scratchpad

Additional Comps Pages:
UAD requires the Analysis/Comments section to be combined with the data in the Summary of Sales Comparison Approach field beneath the grid

I have errors in this report. Why can't I edit the data?

The appraisal was completed by a licensed appraiser, and cannot be edited. UAD Reader, as the name implies, only shows the appraisal data to you but doesn’t allow editing of the appraisal report.

If I can't edit the data, why do you show me data choices for some of the fields?

One of the benefits of UAD Reader is that it gives lenders the ability to see the .XML appraisal data on screen, along with the permissible UAD data that an appraiser can choose from when completing the form. If you have questions about a particular field in the report, UAD Reader will show you all the possible entries for the form so you can easily discuss with your appraiser.

What's the difference between clicking "Save As" versus "Export PDF?"

When you click Export PDF, you'll be able to save the XML file's embedded PDF as it's own, separate file. When you click Save As, you'll be able to save the entire XML file under a different name, wherever you like.

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