MISMO XML and AI Ready Supported Forms

This document explains what forms are capable of being converted to XML.

Document 8803  |  Last updated:  08/04/2022 MC7

It can be confusing when clients require you to deliver a report in a specific file format. Some forms are capable of converting to XML or ENV format, but not all of them can. Select a tab below based on the file format you need.

Review our list of common delivery requests from clients to help you determine which file format is being requested.

If your client asks for:

  • a MISMO file, they're asking for an XML.
  • a GSE XML, they're indicating they want a UAD report. Please check to make sure the form you are using is a UAD form.
  • an Errata 1 or they ask for a MISMO 2.6 and don't include the letters GSE, they're requesting an XML from a Non‑UAD report. Please check to make sure the form you are using is a non-UAD form.
  • an XML with an embedded PDF, they are asking for an XML; All MISMO, MISMO 2.6, MISMO 2.6 GSE, and Errata 1 XMLs contain an embedded PDF.
  • an ENV, they are asking for the report to be converted into the AppraisalPort ENV format. A TOTAL Connect Pro license is required to convert your report into the ENV format.
  • an Enhanced ENV, they're asking for an ENV created from a UAD Report. Please check to make sure the form you are using is a UAD form.
If you need to validate an XML, or your client says the file is improperly formatted, click here to run it through our XML Validator.

The forms below are the ONLY forms that support being delivered in MISMO 2.6 XML format, which is commonly referred to as XML.

The GSEs determine which forms require XML for UCDP delivery based on UAD requirements. This requirement isn't exclusive to us — no software vendors are able to convert an unsupported form to XML. Feel free to share this information, including the UCDP and UAD links provided below, with your clients.

To learn more about UCDP, click here. Or to learn more about UAD, click here.

If your report is being delivered to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, check the Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP) list of supported forms.

Are you trying to create an XML for an Appraisal Update/Completion Report 1004D?  If so, click here for instructions.


Below is a list of forms that create MISMO 2.6 GSE XML files.

Form Name Form Number UAD Requirements XML Version
URAR (UAD) Fannie Mae 1004
Freddie Mac Form 70
Condo (UAD) Fannie Mae 1073
Freddie Mac 465
Exterior-Only (UAD) Fannie Mae 2055
Freddie Mac 2055
Exterior-Only Condo (UAD) Fannie Mae 1075
Freddie Mac 466
Property Data Review Report Amrock/QL Form AMPDR MISMO 2.6 GSE
Property Data Review Completion Report Amrock/QL Form AMPDRD MISMO 2.6 GSE
URAR [2017 Pilot] Fannie Mae Form 1004P17UAD MISMO 2.6 GSE
URAR (Hybrid) Fannie Mae Form 1004HYBRID MISMO 2.6 GSE
URAR (Desktop) Fannie Mae Form 1004DESKTOP MISMO 2.6 GSE
Residential Appraisal Report [2019 Pilot] Fannie Mae Form 1004P19UAD MISMO 2.6 GSE
Property Observation Report CVPOR MISMO 2.6 GSE

MISMO 2.6 / MISMO 2.6 Errata 1

Below is a list of forms that create MISMO 2.6 and MISMO 2.6 Errata 1 XML files.

Form Name Form Number UAD Requirements XML Version
Manufactured Home Fannie Mae 1004C
Freddie Mac Form 70B

Errata 1
Small Residential Income Property Fannie Mae 1025
Freddie Mac Form 72

Errata 1
Individual Cooperative Interest Fannie Mae Form 2090 MISMO 2.6

Errata 1
Exterior-Only Inspection Individual Cooperative Interest Fannie Mae Form 2095 MISMO 2.6

Errata 1
URAR (Non‑UAD) Fannie Mae 1004
Freddie Mac 70
Errata 1
Exterior-Only (Non‑UAD) Fannie Mae 2055
Freddie Mac 2055
Errata 1
Appraisal Update/​Completion Report Fannie Mae 1004DM2
Freddie Mac 442
Errata 1
Condo (Non‑UAD) Fannie Mae 1073
Freddie Mac 465
Errata 1
Exterior-Only Condo (Non‑UAD) Fannie Mae 1075
Freddie Mac 466
Errata 1
One-Unit Field Review Fannie Mae 2000
Freddie Mac 1032
Errata 1
Two- to Four‑Unit Field Review Fannie Mae 2000A
Freddie Mac 1072
Errata 1
Desktop Property Inspection Fannie Mae 2075 MISMO 2.6
Errata 1
NOTE:  A minor form does NOT generate an XML file the way a major form does. Additionally, an XML file is not generated for any other major form that is not listed above. If you attempt to save an XML file and it doesn't contain one of the forms listed above, only a PDF is generated. If your lender or client asks for a form not listed above refer them to FHA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or MISMO.org for guidelines on XML enabled forms.

In addition to searching for forms using the information in the tables above, check the box next to MISMO XML on the lower left of the Contents Window to filter the list of forms and display only the forms that create MISMO XML files.

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Enhanced ENV files

Below is a list of forms that create Enhanced ENV files.

Form Name Form Number ENV type
URAR (UAD) Fannie Mae 1004
Freddie Mac Form 70
Enhanced ENV
Condo (UAD) Fannie Mae 1073
Freddie Mac 465
Enhanced ENV
Exterior-Only Condo (UAD) Fannie Mae 1075
Freddie Mac 466
Enhanced ENV
Exterior-Only (UAD) Fannie Mae 2055
Freddie Mac 2055
Enhanced ENV

When producing an AI Ready appraisal, you're really converting your report into an ENV file or an Enhanced ENV file. Enhanced ENV files are simply ENV files generated from a report containing one of the above UAD forms that produce a MISMO 2.6 GSE XML.

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ENV files

If you need to create an ENV file, but don't need an Enhanced ENV, use any of the forms located in the AI Ready section of the Contents window. Click here to visit the AI Ready website and view a comprehensive list of all AI Ready forms. For more information on working with AI Ready reports, click here.

Click to enlarge

Any forms in your report marked with an orange (  ) are incompatible, and must be removed or swapped for a compatible version of the form.

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