Order Management

Order Management


WinTOTAL’s order management tools exist in two places to help meet your workflow.


Order PowerView

The Order PowerView helps you manage an order from within a report. To work with an order from within a report…

  1. In WinTOTAL’s Order PowerView, edit the order directly from the order form.
  2. As necessary, update this order’s behavior in WinTOTAL by marking the check boxes in the Options pane on the left.  Options are:
    • Extended Billing – Adds a billing section to your order form so you can manage your invoice data from within the order form.
    • Desktop Billing – Adds the current report into WinTOTAL’s desktop billing system.  Once you check this box, WinTOTAL enables it by default for all new reports. 
    • XSite Order – Sends the current report out to your XSite so that your clients can view, pick up, and pay for it through your XSite.

3.   When finished with your order, click Save to apply your changes.


Appraisal Desktop

In WinTOTAL’s Appraisal Desktop, you can manage numerous orders all at the same time. To manage orders from the Appraisal Desktop…

  1. In WinTOTAL’s Appraisal Desktop, use either the regular folders or the Tracking folders to find the desired report/order.
  2. Click to select the report/order you want to update.
  3. Click the Order Form tab at the bottom of the screen to view the report’s order form.
  4. As necessary, click Edit to update the order form and click Save to apply your changes.
  5. To update the internal status of the order, click Add Internal Status at the top of the screen and fill out any pertinent status details.

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