Managing & Tracking Invoices |
WinTOTAL’s desktop billing tool provides a simple way for you to manage all
of your invoices independently from your reports. To access the invoice
manager and manage your invoices…
- In WinTOTAL’s invoice manager, use the
filters or the search tool on the left to find the invoice of interest or
create a new invoice. Beside each filter link, WinTOTAL displays a total of
the invoiced work within that filter. Filters include:
- Bill To Contact filter
- Past Due
- Past Due by Less than 30 Days
- Past Due by 30, 60, or 90 Days
- Due Today
- Paid
- Cancelled
- Keep in mind that only invoices you’ve opted to include in WinTOTAL’s
desktop billing module will appear here. If you haven’t enabled WinTOTAL’s desktop billing
module you will need to do so for future invoices to appear here.
For past invoices to appear in desktop billing, you will need to run
WinTOTAL’s billing import wizard.
Once you have invoices in your invoice manager, you have several options:
- Click New
Invoice at the top of the screen to create a new invoice.
- Click Pay Employee or
Enter Client
Payments in the top toolbar to log payments to employees or
from clients.
- Click an invoice and click Edit to open it for editing.
- Click an invoice and click Mark as Paid to record a
payment in full for the bill.
- Click an invoice and click Cancel to cancel it.