Getting Started

Getting Started


UAD ReaderUAD Reader is a free tool that lets anyone work with any appraisal in the new UAD MISMO 2.6 XML format. The GSEs are requiring appraisals in XML format as a part of their Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD), but lenders, appraisers, agents, or borrowers won't be able to open, read, or verify the contents of the appraisal without an application that opens and reads the files.

If you're an appraiser, are you sure your appraisal formfilling software generated XML that matches your intent?  If you're a lender, are you sure the appraiser provided XML that matches the PDF?  UAD Reader gives you an easy way to verify it before you send it to the next party -- whether that's your client or the GSEs.  You can also run a UAD compliance check on the report before you send it. You'll prevent embarrassing errors and reduce wasted time since your reports will sail through UCDP without UAD errors.   

For lender staff, as well as real estate agents, UAD Reader provides a convenient and secure "Send to Borrower" e-mail function, complete with a "How to Read This Appraisal" guide explaining the abbreviations, formats, and conventions of the UAD report.  You'll maintain compliance with Dodd-Frank's timely disclosure rules, and GLBA's privacy requirements by not attaching the files directly to an e-mail.  Borrowers follow your coded link, providing both security and an audit trail.

In addition, lenders and AMCs can also submit the UAD appraisal report to UCDP from within the UAD Reader application.  The report is automatically pre-checked for any UAD errors before it leaves the UAD Reader, so you avoid hassles, delayed closings, and wasted time.

For appraisers, UAD Reader allows them to send the report to any lender or AMC using a la mode's free DataCourier service, regardless of the brand of software used to create the report.

It's free, easy, powerful -- and the only way to view and verify the new UAD appraisals in their XML format. Click here to download UAD Reader now.


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