Reports appear to be missing with Microsoft OneDrive enabled

This document explains how to get your reports back to their original location if OneDrive changes the location of your Documents folder.

Document 6100  |  Last updated:  01/18/2023 CW7

If you have Windows 10, Microsoft OneDrive may be enabled on your computer even if you never manually configured it.

Once enabled, OneDrive may change the location of your Documents folder in Windows. TOTAL uses the Documents directory for many tasks, including storing your report files — therefore, if the folder is relocated, it appears as though your report files are suddenly missing from your Appraisal Desktop. These seemingly missing reports are in OneDrive.

If OneDrive has changed the configuration of your Documents folder, you or a local technician must restore it by following Part 1 of the guide below. Configuring your settings in Windows is outside the scope of our technical support. Once this is complete, proceed to Part 2 to move your a la mode files back to their original location.

Part 1 — Turn off OneDrive and restore the Documents folder

If you need assistance with Part 1, you'll need to contact a local technician. It's outside the scope of our technical support. Feel free to share this guide with your tech.
Turning off OneDrive should prevent the issue from recurring. However, in some instances, Windows can enable OneDrive in the background. And, if you're actively using OneDrive for backup purposes, you should use caution when disabling it.
  1. Click here to learn how to disable OneDrive.
  2. Click here to learn how to change the "My Documents" folder storage location.
  3. Restart TOTAL and verify that your files are once again shown in the Appraisal Desktop. If your files are still missing, proceed to Part 2 below.

Part 2 — Move your a la mode files back to their original location

  1. Press Windows key + R.

  2. In the Open: field, type %tsa6% and click OK. This launches the Tech Support Assistant.

  3. Select the Additional Tools tab at the top. Then, double‑click Backup databases. A pop‑up window quickly appears on your screen, then closes.

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  4. Next, select the Common Paths tab at the top. Make note of the file path next to My reports, Thumbnails, and Image files. This is where your reports and other files need to be located in order for TOTAL to access them.

    Click to enlarge

  5. Navigate to OneDrive in Windows.

    Click to enlarge

  6. Copy the Reports, Images, and Thumbnails folders in OneDrive, and paste them in their original locations, as shown by the paths in Step 4.
    If you're on a standalone installation of TOTAL, it's best to copy and paste the entire a la mode folder into the default location: C:\Users\your_username\Documents, as OneDrive may be storing more than just your reports.

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