Using SmartMerge to Clone Reports in TOTAL

Using SmartMerge to Clone Reports in TOTAL

Document 6568  |  Last updated:  01/07/2022 MJY

Watch the video below to see how to do this in TOTAL.

Many appraisers have become accustomed to using WinTOTAL Aurora's cloning feature to save time building reports. Even after switching to TOTAL, you may still want to be able to copy an entire report, or save a report with a different file name for revision or final inspection purposes. SmartMerge is TOTAL's answer to the "clone" function in Aurora, so that you still have the ability to copy entire reports, but avoid unnecessary confusion between duplicate reports. Follow the instructions below to use SmartMerge to copy your reports.

These are instructions for copying an entire report. Be sure your file name and report description differ from the report you are copying, to avoid confusion between files. Click here for instructions on how to merge specific information from a report.

If you need to create a brand new report, you can find more information on the process by clicking here.

  1. From your Appraisal Desktop, click the New icon ( new icon ) in the upper left.

    Click new icon

  2. In the SmartStart screen that appears, enter a report-specific Property Address and Report Description ( A ). Then, select Merge Screen ( B ) and click OK ( C ).

    Fill in report information

    Remember, this is the screen where you differentiate between the new report being created and the report from which you are copying. Make sure you give it a unique description you'll recognize.
  3. In the SmartMerge Options, select Entire Report, Forms AND Data, and check any additional options you wish to bring over from the original report in the Include from Source Report section.

    SmartMerge options

  4. Use the Folders list on the left to navigate to the location of the original report. Then, locate the original report you wish to copy in the Source File list.
  5. Select the file you want to copy and click Merge. If you need to search for a specific file, use the search bar or the Advanced search option in the Source File pane. For additional instructions on using the Advanced search feature, click here.

    Select file to be copied

  6. Once everything has been merged into your new report, click the Save icon ( save icon ) in the upper left.
  7. Select the folder where you want to save your file and enter a unique file name. Then, click Save.

    Save report

You're done!  You've successfully copied a report in your TOTAL Appraisal Desktop and saved it as a new file.

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