Fannie Mae's Appraiser Quality Monitoring List

This document explains what to expect with Fannie Mae's Appraiser Quality Monitoring list and how to utilize tools available in TOTAL's Comps Database to verify the consistency of the key fields being monitored prior to delivery.

Document 9110  |  Last updated:  07/24/2014 MJY

Many of you have probably read about Fannie Mae's new Appraisal Quality Monitoring (AQM) process that began on January 6th, 2014. If not, we recommend that you read the details here.

Those appraisers who take advantage of the Comps Database in TOTAL can quickly and easily refer to previous uses of a property and verify the data consistency. If you're not taking advantage of the Comps Databases in TOTAL, you can use the Comps Database Importer found in TOTAL (see instructions below) to add all your comp and subject data to the database. The import process is fully automated. From there, you'll be able to search all your properties so you can validate your data for consistency.

And, don't forget to review the final PDF before delivery. You might even consider printing it for review. You'll be surprised by what you catch when reading the report on paper.

For additional information and instructions on adding and searching properties in the Comps Database, please review the links provided below.


  • Importing properties to your Comps Database — click here
  • Adding subject and comp data to your Comps Database — click here
  • Performing a property search in the Comps Database — click here
  • How TOTAL handles comparable records — click here

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