End of support for WinTOTAL Aurora and TOTAL on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Server 2003

This document explains why we're ending support for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Server 2003, and what that means for your a la mode software.

Document 9032  |  Last updated:  06/03/2022 MJY

Beginning July 1st, 2017, WinTOTAL Aurora and TOTAL will no longer be functional with Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Server 2003. Microsoft ended support for Windows XP in April 2014 and support for Vista ended in April 2017. Because of this, Microsoft no longer releases security updates or patches for these operating systems which exposes them to significant security risks.

Additionally, Microsoft announced they'll no longer support Bing Maps in any version of Internet Explorer (IE) older than Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). So, you won't be able to download maps in WinTOTAL Aurora or TOTAL unless your computer is running a modern (Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10) version of Windows with IE11 installed.

Due to these security risks, and Microsoft's recent announcement that they'll no longer support Bing Maps in any version of IE except IE11, we're forced to end support for XP, Vista and 2003. You must upgrade to a modern version of Windows with IE11 installed to use Aurora or TOTAL. Click here for help upgrading to a modern version of Windows.

On July 1st, 2017, maps, updates, report delivery, and many other functions will no longer work for Aurora and TOTAL on Windows XP, Windows Vista or Server 2003. Specifically for TOTAL, all workstation installations will cease to work — you'll simply receive a message saying "Unable to validate server license online."

If you’re running Windows XP, Windows Vista or Server 2003, click the panel below that corresponds to the formfiller you’re using for more information on upgrading to a modern version of Windows.

Our technicians are unable to assist with the Windows upgrade process. If you need assistance, contact a local technician or visit Microsoft's support page for additional help. If you need assistance with transitioning your a la mode software after upgrading your Windows Operating System, please call us at 1‑866‑849‑3115.

Click here if you’re using TOTAL on XP, Vista or 2003.

Whether you're installing a modern version of Windows on your existing computer or moving to a new PC, simply use our Move TOTAL utility to transfer your data quickly and easily from the old version of Windows to the new one. The only difference is if you're installing a new version of Windows on the same computer, you'll treat the old version of Windows (XP, Vista or 2003) as the "Old PC" and then once you've installed the new version of Windows (Windows 7, 8, or 10) you'll treat it as the "New PC".

Click here for step-by-step instructions, or watch the video below.

Click here if you’re using WinTOTAL Aurora on XP, Vista or 2003.

Upgrading to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1:

If you’re a WinTOTAL Aurora user and you’re upgrading your current computer to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you’ll want to make sure all of your data is securely backed up using Titan Drive, a third-party backup solution, or to an external media such as an external hard drive or a thumb drive. Then, once you've installed the new version of Windows click here for instructions on Moving WinTOTAL Aurora to the new computer with Titan Drive, or click here for instructions on manually transferring your data without Titan Drive.

If you’re moving to a new computer running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, click here for instructions on Moving WinTOTAL Aurora to the new computer with Titan Drive, or click here for instructions on manually transferring your data without Titan Drive.

Upgrading to Windows 10:

Whether you're installing Windows 10 on your existing computer or moving to a new PC, you'll need to upgrade from WinTOTAL to TOTAL first. In case you missed it, click here for our memo about Windows 10 and its issues with Aurora. Once you're upgraded to TOTAL, simply use our Move TOTAL utility to transfer your data quickly and easily from the old version of Windows to the new one. The only difference is if you're installing Windows 10 on the same computer, you'll treat the old version of Windows (XP, Vista, or 2003) as the "Old PC" and then once you've installed Windows 10, you'll treat it as the "New PC".

Click here to jump to the instructions on upgrading from WinTOTAL to TOTAL, or click here for instructions on using the Move TOTAL utility.

Upgrading from WinTOTAL to TOTAL on XP, Vista or 2003:

Before you begin, make sure that you have installed TOTAL. If you haven't installed TOTAL yet, click here and follow the steps to get TOTAL up and running. At the end of the install process, you'll be prompted to run the Aurora Transition Assistant — simply confirm that you want to run through the assistant. Then, return to this document and follow along.

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows Key + R to launch a Run prompt.

  2. Now, in the Open: field, type %tsa6% and click OK. This launches TOTAL's Tech Support Assistant (TSA).

  3. Once the TSA opens, click the Additional Tools tab at the top, then locate and double‑click #19 Aurora Transition Assistant in the left column.

At this point, the Aurora Transition Assistant opens — guiding you through the process of copying your information over to TOTAL. Click Next to begin and follow the instructions in the Aurora Transition Assistant.

For step‑by‑step instructions on running the Aurora Transition Assistant, click here.

Move TOTAL from XP, Vista or 2003 to Windows 10:

Once you've upgraded from WinTOTAL Aurora to TOTAL on your old PC, you're ready to move your data from the old computer to the new machine using the Move TOTAL utility. Watch the video below to see the Move TOTAL Utility in action, or click here for step‑by‑step instructions.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using this utility:

  • The removable device you use needs enough storage space on it to hold all your reports, as well as your preferences. The Move TOTAL application lets you know how much space you need and how much space is available on your device.
  • TOTAL must already be installed on the new machine before transferring your data.
  • Both the old and new machines must be on the most recent update before moving data.

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