Clearing temporary Internet files
How to delete your browsing history by clearing temporary internet files.
Document 7013 | Last updated: 07/14/2021 MJY
Whenever something Internet‑related isn't working as expected, the first thing to try is clearing your temporary Internet files and cookies. Depending on which Internet browser you use, the process for clearing these files varies. Click a tab below to view step‑by‑step instructions on clearing your Temporary Internet Files and Cookies.
Click a panel below to view step‑by‑step instructions for your browser.
Clearing your web browser's cookies will log you out of any websites you're currently logged in to.
Clearing the temporary internet files in Microsoft Edge also removes any websites added to the Compatibility View settings. If you need to re‑add any a la mode websites back to your Compatibility View settings, click here.
If none of the above steps resolve your issue, the final option it to reset your browser. Resetting your browser reverts all of the settings back to their defaults. Resetting the browser can potentially cause loss of information if not done properly. If you're not sure what to do, or if you're uncomfortable with changing these settings, contact your local technician for assistance.
Microsoft Edge does not have an option to reset the browser. If you are still having issues after trying the above steps please call tech support.