Adding posts to your blog is as simple as word processing with the familiar
XSite Content Editor. To
post to your blog:
- Hover over XSite in the top toolbar and click
Blog in the toolbar that drops down.

- Click New Post in the Blogging pane on
the left.

- In the screen that appears, type a Subject for your new
post. This text appears on your blog page separating each entry. The date and
time of your post are added automatically.
The subject and date items are listed on your blog page using the same
color scheme as your "Left" or "Secondary" navigation settings, depending
upon the
Theme you choose. To
change these colors, just edit your
Theme Preferences.
- Click to place your cursor in the main Content Editor section and write your post.

- When you're done, click Save as Draft to save your work
and return to post it later OR click Submit Post to place the
post on your live blog immediately.
If you saved your work as a draft, you can go back and edit it at any time.
To edit a draft on your blog:
- Hover over XSite in the top toolbar and click
Blog in the toolbar that drops down.

- Click Drafts in the Blogging pane on the

- Then, do one of the following:
At times, you may find that you've posted something to your blog that you'd
like to change. All of your entries are kept and can be modified at any
- Hover over XSite in the top toolbar and click
Blog in the toolbar that drops down.

- Click Previous Posts in the Blogging
pane on the left.

- Then, do one of the following:
- To edit the post —
Click the Edit icon (
) to the right of the post
which you wish to modify. Make your changes and then click Submit
Post to submit the update to your live blog OR click Save
as Draft to remove this post from your live blog and place it back
in the Drafts section.
- To delete the
post — Click the Delete icon (
) for any previous post to delete
it completely from your site.
- To edit the comments on the
post — Click the Comments link to edit the
any of the comments your readers may have left on your site.
If the post you need to edit is not displayed, look in the
Archive section at the bottom of the screen for items you may
have posted in the past.