Download files from your PC

To download a file from the cloud from TOTAL's Appraisal Desktop:

  1. From TOTAL's Appraisal Desktop, click the Mobile Sync icon in the toolbar and choose Download. You can also download your file by right‑clicking your report, or clicking File on the upper left and selecting Download from the drop‑down menu.

    You can also complete this process by going to TOTAL's Dashboard and selecting Download under TOTAL for Mobile Sync.
  2. Select the report to retrieve and click Download.

  3. When the Data Import Wizard appears, choose how you want to import your report:
    Merge into a currently open report
    This option leaves the data in the selected report intact, and populates the blank fields in your report with the data from the report you are downloading from the cloud. This is the same process used when merging reports in TOTAL.
    Choose a report from your Appraisal Desktop
    This option displays your Appraisal Desktop, allowing you to select a report to merge into.
    Create new report
    When this option is chosen, no further action is required. Simply click Import to open the report and add it to TOTAL's Appraisal Desktop.
  4. Once you have selected your import method, click Import to open the report and add it to TOTAL's Appraisal Desktop.
If you chose Merge into a currently open report or Choose a report from your Appraisal Desktop the original report is available from TOTAL's Timeline feature. To learn how to restore a report from the Timeline, click here.