Insert Page

Adding a page from another document or PDF
Click this video to see it in action!

To add entire documents to your report from a scanner, PDF file, image, or Windows clipboard:

  1. From the Forms PowerView, click the drop‑down arrow beside Insert (  ) in the top toolbar, and choose to insert a Page from clipboard, Page from image, Page from PDF, or Page from scanner.

  2. In the screen that appears, choose the Type of Form and enter a Title for your document.

  3. When you're finished, click OK to add the document to your report.

When you add a scanned document to your report, TOTAL launches your computer's scanning software. Since every scanning program is different, you should consult your scanner's documentation if you have difficulties scanning your document. Generally you should look for and click a Scan, Retrieve, OK, or Save button to scan the document.