Use An Existing Field Mapping Template:

This is an unsupported feature that was released before we introduced QuickSource — a powerful, new tool that improved this process. The MLS Text File Importer is only available to customers who were actively using it before QuickSource was released. Click here to learn how QuickSource significantly reduces the amount of time and hassle involved with importing MLS data.

Follow the instructions below to use an existing field mapping template and import a text file exported from your MLS or other data source:

Click here for instructions on adding a new template if you haven't created an MLS import template.
  1. Export the property data from you MLS or other data source in a .CSV or .TXT file format.
  2. Open a report in TOTAL.
  3. Click Tools on the upper left, and select Import from MLS Text File… from the drop‑down menu.

  4. Select your existing field mapping template from the drop‑down menu.

  5. Next, click Browse on the upper right and browse to the location of your MLS export file. Once you have found the file you want to use, select it and click Open.
  6. Click Next to configure the existing field mapping.
  7. In Step 2 of 3, the field mapping settings you configured when you created your template are displayed. Match any additional fields, remove fields that were mapped previously, or add any additional clean up rules as needed. When you're finished, or if no modifications are needed, click Next to proceed.
  8. On the final screen, choose how to import the data by assigning records to report slots. Review the fields mapped in the previous step, and select how you want to import each property:

  9. Once you have chosen how to import your properties, click Finish to complete the import process and add the properties to your report.