Retrieve Flood Maps

In order to download flood maps, you need to have available maps in your InterFlood account. Click here to view your account, where you can see your available maps or purchase additional maps.

Retrieve a Flood Map
Click this video to see it in action!

If you indicated that you wanted TOTAL to retrieve a flood map in Map Options, TOTAL automatically prompts you about retrieving a flood map when you run the Map Wizard.

To retrieve a flood map for your report:

  1. From the Forms PowerView, click the Add Map drop‑down arrow, and select Flood Map Only.

  2. Verify the Placement of the subject property balloon and click Next. It's important that this is accurate because the data that is retrieved is determined by this placement. If your balloon is in the wrong place, simply click and drag the pointer at the base of the balloon to relocate it.

  3. On the following screen, review the flood map.

  4. Annotate your map if necessary, and when you're ready to transfer the data back to your report, click Finish.