Retrieve Flood, Census, and USPS Data

If your map preferences are set to retrieve flood and census data, TOTAL retrieves the flood and census data for your subject property along with the USPS data for all report properties in the third step of the Map Wizard.

  1. Review the flood and census data information retrieved by TOTAL. The confidence levels are displayed using red (  ), yellow (  ), or green (  ) indicators. If you're satisfied with the data, check the Insert box beside each item to transfer the data to your report.
  2. Next, review the USPS information for the properties in your report:

  3. For your convenience, TOTAL also allows you to retrieve directions from your office to each property included in your map. Click View Route to review those directions and click Print Route if you want to print off a copy. Click here for more information on driving directions.
  4. When you're finished, click Next to continue through the Map Wizard and retrieve a flood map, or click Finish to transfer your map and data to your report.