
Creating and using QuickLists
Click this video to see it in action!

QuickLists, commonly referred to as "canned comments", help you eliminate unnecessary typing in each report. TOTAL also includes a pre‑built set of QuickLists based on the ANSI standard X12 lists. Of course, if you prefer to customize your "canned comments" or have a custom set of QuickLists you want to import, you can use those as well.

There are two different types of QuickList entries you can create in TOTAL: single-field entries and multi-field entries. Single-field entries provide a simple tool for storing your common line-item responses. Multi-field entries, on the other hand, provide you with a way to save entire sections of a form as a single QuickList entry. Generally, you can achieve the best results through a blend of single-field QuickLists and multi-field QuickLists.

Click here to view a list of QuickList hotkeys.