Edit contact

Follow the instructions below to edit a contact in your contacts database:

  1. From the Contacts section, select a contact and click Edit Contact in the toolbar at the top.

  2. Edit the contact details:
    Edit individual contacts
    • Make sure one or more contact types are checked to identify the contact.
    • Edit any contact information, address, telephone, or additional details as needed.
    Edit company contacts
    • Make sure one or more contact types are checked to identify the contact.
    • Add, Edit, or Remove company contacts associated with this company in the Individuals tab:
      • Click Add to create a new Individual Contact and associate it with this company.
      • Select a contact from the list of Company Contacts and click Edit to update their contact details.
      • Select a contact from the list of Company Contacts and click Remove to remove the association with the company. Keep in mind that this only removes the association with the company. Click here for instructions on deleting the contact from your database.
    • Edit the Company Contact Information, Company Address, and Notes as needed.
  3. When you're finished, click Save to apply your changes.