Customize MLS Import

QuickSource: Customizing your MLS import
Click this video to see it in action!

If your MLS hasn't been pre‑configured by our staff, or you prefer to tailor the data import for the specific abbreviations and data entry standards used by your MLS, QuickSource includes a field mapping tool that allows you to set up rules and perform calculations on the data you import from your MLS.

Follow the instructions below to access the custom field mapping tool in QuickSource:

  1. From the Side‑by‑Side PowerView in your report, click QuickSource in the toolbar on the upper left.
  2. When the QuickSource window appears, click Import MLS and import your data as you normally would.
  3. Once you've uploaded your MLS text file, click Customize on the lower right.

    The first time you launch the field mapping tool, a brief tutorial is displayed. Review the information and click Next through each step. When you're finished, click Exit to close the tutorial. Or, click Remind me later to view the tutorial again the next time you launch the field mapping tool.
  4. Select the field map you want to use from the list on the left, and review the field map information on the right:

    1. If your MLS has been pre‑configured by our staff, it is displayed at the top of the list in the CoreLogic‑Defined Map section. We recommend using the CoreLogic Default Mapping, if available.
    2. Customized field maps created by you, and any other users in your area, are listed in the Appraiser‑Defined Maps section on the left. These are useful in the event your MLS hasn't been pre‑configured by our staff.
      If there is only one field map listed, that means you are the first one in your area to customize a field map for your MLS.
    3. The Form Field column displays the names of the fields as they appear on the form in your report.
    4. The MLS Field(s) column displays the fields that are required to fill it out for the selected field mapping.
    5. MLS fields displayed in red indicate they were not found in the CSV file you uploaded. Adjust the custom export you created on your MLS website to add these fields to your export and ensure that the data is included.
    6. The Preview column displays the data from your CSV file that matched the MLS field name. The data displayed here is what will be exported and transferred to your report.
    7. Use the left and right arrows (  /  ) to view the previous or next property, and preview the data for each property in your CSV file.
    8. If no further configuration is needed, click Save to use the current field map and import your MLS data into QuickSource. Otherwise, click Customize and continue with step 5 below.
  5. If you need to match additional fields, clean up any of the data, or create any custom rules or formatting, click Customize on the lower right to customize the current field map.
    The field mapping configuration tool in QuickSource is intended only for advanced users who are comfortable with creating and using conditional if‑then statements, formulas, functions, and other types of advanced calculations and formatting. Our support staff is unable to assist with troubleshooting any of these advanced features.

    1. When the field mapping configuration tool appears, the Mapping view is displayed by default. This is where you configure how the data from your MLS is mapped into the appraisal form.
    2. Switch to the Alias view to adjust or create new aliases or alternate names for fields.
    3. In addition to clicking each section in the preview panel (F), you can also click the Previous Section and Next Section buttons to view and adjust settings for the previous or next logical section of the form.
    4. Use the left and right arrows at the top of the preview panel to view how the data from each property in your CSV file will be transferred to the form.
    5. Select a form from the drop‑down menu above the preview panel to see how the data appears on each supported form.
    6. Select a form section in the preview panel on the right to configure the mapping for that group of fields. The currently selected section is highlighted in yellow.
    7. Create global rules for fields that are applied to all supported forms in QuickSource using the All Forms tab. Or, click the + Form-Specific Rule tab to create a unique rule that only applies to a specific form. Click here to jump to the next section for detailed instructions on creating form‑specific rules.
    8. Adjust the settings for each field in the currently selected group to match the form field with the MLS data, apply rules, calculate, and/or format the MLS data. Click here to jump to the next section for detailed instructions on the settings available here.
    9. When you're done, click Save and Finish on the lower right to save your changes, apply the current field map, and import your MLS data into QuickSource.

    Click a panel below to expand it and view additional instructions and information about the various functions and settings available in the field mapping configuration tool:

    Form‑Specific Rule

    By default, mapping rules are created under the All Forms tab and they apply to any form QuickSource supports. If you want to create a unique rule that only applies when using a specific form, use the + Form‑Specific Rule tab to add a custom rule for a specific form. To add a form‑specific rule:

    1. Click the + Form‑Specific Rule tab.

    2. Select the form where you want to apply this rule.

    3. Check the box next to Copy/Duplicate rules from and select the source to duplicate a rule from the All Forms tab, or another form‑specific rule. Or, uncheck the box to start the new rule from scratch.

    4. When you're finished, click Submit.

    Once you've created a form‑specific rule, a new tab with that form name is added to the right of the All Forms tab where you can edit or adjust the field mapping rules as needed.

    To delete a form‑specific rule, simply click the x next to the form name in the form's tab.


    Regardless of what is, or is not included in your MLS export, there are some situations where you want to return a certain value to a field every time. This is often the case with fields such as Functional Utility, Condition, Quality, or Leasehold / Fee Simple. Follow the instructions below to enter a constant value that is returned for a field each time:

    1. Select the section of the form in the preview panel on the right that contains the field where you want to return a constant value.
    2. Select Constant from the function dropdown for that field.
    3. Place your cursor in the text field and enter the constant value.
    4. Continue adjusting settings for additional fields. Or, click Save and Finish to save your changes and import your MLS data into QuickSource.


    The Add/Subtract function is useful in situations when you need to add numeric values together or subtract a numeric value from a total. One example is when you need to combine room counts for multiple property levels, subtract below grade rooms, or subtract rooms in an ADU that are included in the count. The key to using the Add/Subtract function is to know that the field mapping configuration tool uses groupings. Compared to a mathematical equation, these groupings act like parenthesis around operators so you can add and subtract multiple fields at once.

    Follow the instructions below to sum two or more fields:

    1. Select the section of the form in the preview panel on the right that contains the field where you want to perform a calculation.
    2. Select Add/Subtract from the function drop‑down.
    3. Click the drop‑down arrow to select your MLS Field Name(s), and select the first field you want to add. Then, click the drop‑down arrow again and select the second field to add. Repeat this process for each additional field you want to add.
    4. Click the plus button ( + ) to indicate you want to add these fields together.
    5. If you need to perform additional calculations for this field, click Create Grouping to add a new line, and repeat these steps to sum additional fields, or continue with the section below to perform subtraction calculations.
    6. Continue adjusting settings for additional fields. Or, click Save and Finish to save your changes and import your MLS data into QuickSource.

    To subtract one or more fields from another field:

    1. Select the section of the form in the preview panel on the right that contains the field where you want to perform a calculation.
    2. Select Add/Subtract from the function dropdown next to that field.
    3. Click the drop‑down arrow to select your MLS Field Name(s), and select the field with the larger numeric value from which you want to subtract. If multiple MLS fields need to be summed to build a total, select each one. Click here to jump to the section above for instructions on adding.
    4. Click Create Grouping to add a new line, and click the minus button ( - ) on the left.
    5. Click the drop‑down arrow to select your MLS Field Name(s), and select each field you want to subtract.
    6. Continue adjusting settings for additional fields. Or, click Save and Finish to save your changes and import your MLS data into QuickSource.


    Occasionally, it's necessary to combine data from multiple MLS fields to get the result you want to transfer the form field. One example of this is when an MLS separates each component of an address into individual fields, such as Street Number, Street Name, and/or Street Suffix. When you need to combine more than one MLS field to derive a value for your form, use Concatenate to combine two or more MLS fields to build a form field:

    1. Select the section of the form in the preview panel on the right that contains the field where you want to combine and concatenate two or more MLS fields.
    2. Choose Select/Concatenate from the function drop‑down.
    3. Click the MLS Field Name(s) dropdown next to the field name and select the field you want to appear first in the sequence.
    4. Click the MLS Field Name(s) dropdown again to select the field you want to appear next in the sequence. Repeat this step to select each field you want to concatenate. If you need to remove a field from the sequence, click the X next to that field.
    5. Once you have selected two or more fields, additional options appear. Select Concat to concatenate the currently selected fields.
    6. Next, choose your Delimiter. By default, the field mapping configuration tool separates concatenated fields with a space. Click the Delimiter dropdown to change it to a comma, semicolon, or choose Other to enter your own delimiter.
    7. Continue adjusting settings for additional fields. Or, click Save and Finish to save your changes and import your MLS data into QuickSource.

    In some cases, a form field potentially corresponds to multiple, individual MLS fields. For example, some MLS providers have separate fields for square feet, acres, and dimensions — all of which could be used for the Site field on a form. For scenarios like this, the configuration tool allows you to configure a field so that it uses data from the first field that contains data:

    1. Select the section of the form in the preview panel on the right that contains the field you want to configure to use the first available data.
    2. Choose Select/Concatenate from the function drop‑down.
    3. Click the MLS Field Name(s) dropdown next to the field name and select the first field where you want to check for data.
    4. Click the MLS Field Name(s) dropdown again to select the next field where you want to check for data. Repeat this step to select each field you want to look for available data.
    5. Click the First button to indicate that you want QuickSource to check each of the selected fields, and use the first field that contains data. In our example, QuickSource will use data from the Square Feet field each time data is available. If there is no data for Square Feet, QuickSource checks for data in the Acres field, and then falls back to the Dimensions field if no data is available for the first two fields.
      The MLS Integration tool knows to automatically convert between acres and SF and do a basic calculation if two dimensions are input for the site.
    6. Continue adjusting settings for additional fields. Or, click Save and Finish to save your changes and import your MLS data into QuickSource.


    Sometimes, you need to change data from your MLS and/or replace it with something else — such as changing CONV to Conventional for the Financing Type. Follow the instructions below to create a conditional statement to change or replace text:

    1. Select the section of the form in the preview panel on the right that contains the field where you want to create a conditional statement.
    2. Choose Conditional from the function drop‑down.
    3. Click the MLS Field Name(s) dropdown and select the MLS field that contains the data you want to change or replace. Repeat this step to add any additional fields you want to include in the conditional statement.
    4. Choose whether you want to apply the rule if the MLS field Contains or Equals a specific value. Choose Contains if you want to apply the rule if your search text appears anywhere in the MLS field, or choose Equals if the MLS field must match your search text exactly.
    5. Enter the criteria to use for your Search Text. This MLS field must contain or equal it for the rule to be applied
    6. Choose the data you want to use to change or replace the data from your MLS export:
      Select Text and enter the Result Text you want to use as a constant value that is used each time the rule is applied.
      MLS Data
      Select MLS Data and choose the MLS field you want to use from the drop‑down menu. Only the MLS Field Name(s) added in step 3 are available to choose from.
      Standardized UAD Response
      If you are creating a conditional statement for a UAD field that requires a standardized response, the Text and MLS Data options are not available. Choose the standardized response you want to use from the drop‑down menu.

    7. To add another rule, click  Add another rule, and repeat steps 4 through 6. Once you've created two or more rules, click and drag the textured icon (  ) to the left of a rule to rearrange and adjust the order in which rules are applied. Rules are applied top to bottom.
    8. Choose what happens if no rules match. Select Text and enter the Result Text you want to use, select MLS Data and choose the MLS field you want to use, or select a standardized response from the drop‑down menu if it is a standardized UAD field.
    9. Continue adjusting settings for additional fields. Or, click Save and Finish to save your changes and import your MLS data into QuickSource.

    Advanced Options: Prefix/Suffix, Formatting, and Related Fields

    The MLS Integration tool has default formats in place for most fields. Follow the instructions below to adjust the Advanced Options for a field:

    1. Select the section of the form in the preview panel on the right that contains the field where you want to change formatting.
    2. Click  Advanced Options for the field to expand that section and view the formatting options.

      • To add a prefix, enter the text you want to use for the prefix in the Text Before field.
      • To add a suffix, enter the text you want to use for the suffix in the Text After field.
      • Choose your Formatting type: options include Default, Pass Through, Number, Date, Sentence Case, or UpperCase.

      Wherever possible, we've set the default format for each field to match the required formatting on appraisal forms, and to automatically perform data conversions. Here are some examples:

      • Year built is converted automatically by subtracting the year provided from the current year.
      • Lot sizes are converted to/from acres/sf. Any lot size less than 161 is converted to acres, and whenever acres is used, the number is displayed to two decimal places. When lot sizes are provided as two dimensions, the default formatting automatically calculates them.
      • The architectural design field is automatically converted to a standard abbreviation, such as TRA for Traditional.
      • HOA fees are rounded to a whole number.

      You can turn off any of the automatic conversions by setting the Formatting to anything other than Default.

    3. Click the Related Fields tab to select any fields that are related to the current field. Related fields are fields that don't map directly to a form field, but are "related" to a form field and might give you additional MLS information to help you complete the form values. Related Fields are displayed in QuickSource when you hover over an MLS data point
    4. Continue adjusting settings for additional fields. Or, click Save and Finish to save your changes and import your MLS data into QuickSource.