Toolbar Button Reference

TOTAL provides a series of buttons you can use to control the format of the fields in your report, interact with form data, and add to your report. Here's a brief description of each button.

New Report — Starts a new report.
Appraisal Desktop — Opens the Appraisal Desktop.
Save — Saves the report.
Print — Prints the report.
Sync Report — Opens the TOTAL for Mobile sync options where you can upload a copy of the report you have open, or download a report that has been uploaded from your mobile device.
Sign — Opens the signing options.
Deliver to Client — Opens the report delivery options.
Share Report — Opens the report sharing options.
Cut — Cuts the selected content and moves it to your Windows clipboard in preparation for a Paste.
Copy — Copies the selected content to your Windows clipboard in preparation for a Paste.
Paste — Pastes the content currently stored in your Windows clipboard into the selected area of your report.
Undo — "Undoes" your most recent actions, in reverse order.
Redo — Lets you reverse the effects of Undo.
Bold — Bolds the selected text in your report.
Italicize — Italicizes the selected text in your report.
Underline — Underlines the selected text in your report.
Left Justify — Left justifies the selected text in your report.
Center Justify — Centers the selected text in your report.
Right Justify — Right justifies the selected text in your report.
Fonts — Brings up the Windows font selection dialog so you can change the font for the selected text OR change the font for the current field for the response you type.
Increase font — Increase the selected text by one font point.
Decrease font — Decrease the selected text by one font point.
Numbers Only — Restricts the input in the current field to ONLY numbers, commas, decimal points, and a leading plus/minus.
2 Decimal Places — Limit the number of decimal places in the field to only two decimals.
Show Commas — For numeric fields, toggles comma separators for thousands on and off.
Show Leading Plus/Minus — For numeric fields, toggles the visibility of a leading plus/minus symbol.
Lock Field — Lock the field from any automated field transfers that would normally override your custom field input.
Touched Fields — Mark the field as a "touched" field to indicate that you have fully addressed the field in your report (regardless of whether you've supplied data in the field).
Add Green QuickNote — Add a green colored QuickNote to your report.
Add Yellow QuickNote — Add a yellow colored QuickNote to your report.
Add Red QuickNote — Add a red colored QuickNote to your report.
Show QuickNotes — Toggle the state of your QuickNotes between hidden/visible AND expanded/closed.