Once you have Set Field-Specific formatting for the fields in your report, you can tell TOTAL to use these as the default formats in the future. This applies to the fields in the current form, and is specific to each TOTAL user. This time-saving feature can help you avoid the tedious process of formatting individual fields in each of your forms. And since the saved formatting defaults are specific to each TOTAL user, you can use this feature to easily add distinction to your reports.
To save the field formats of your current form as defaults:
If you have chosen a new form or addenda font and want to apply it to the entire report:
If you have applied new formats to the fields in your form and you would like to restore the default formats you previously saved:
This immediately applies the field formatting you previously saved as your defaults for this form.
If you have saved your own default formatting, but would like to restore the formatting to its original, standard defaults: