To set formatting for a specific field in a report form:
- In the Forms PowerView in TOTAL, click
Forms, Field Format from the menus.
- In the screen that appears, use the check boxes to control how the field
behaves. Options include:
- Read
Only You can't edit the field.
- Non‑Printing
The data in the field does not appear on print outs.
- Skipped by
Enter When you use Enter to move through the fields in your
report, TOTAL skips this field.
- Locked
TOTAL "locks in" whatever information you type into the field
regardless of any data transfers that usually occur in the report.
- Numbers
Only Only permits numeric data in the field.
- 2 Decimal
Places For numeric fields, limit the decimal places to two
- Show
Commas For numeric fields with values of at least 1,000,
include commas to mark off the hundreds.
- Leading + or
- Indicate whether the numeric value in the field is positive
or negative with the appropriate sign (good for comp adjustments).
- From the left drop‑down menu, choose the field alignment.
- From the right drop‑down menu, choose the proper rounding for numeric
fields (great for adjustments).
- When you're finished, click OK to save your changes.
To set the font for a specific field in your report:
- In a report in TOTAL, click the field you wish to format.
- Select the text you wish to format. To select all of the text in the
field, double‑click the text in the field.
- From the menus, choose Forms, Fonts.
- In the screen that appears, choose the Font, Font
Style, and Size from the respective menus.
- If necessary, indicate whether you need to Strikeout or
Underline the text and choose a font Color.
- When you're finished, click OK to apply your font changes
to the selected text.