Export report properties to Comps Database

TOTAL offers two ways to add properties to the Comps Database. One method of adding comps (particularly useful when adding numerous properties from multiple reports) is to import them directly from within the Comps Database. With the Comps Database open, simply click Import to add properties using the Comps Database Importer.

Another method of importing comps is to add the properties from your current report when signing. This method is especially convenient when you want to import properties from a single report.

Follow the instructions below to configure TOTAL to automatically export report properties to the Comps Database when signing:

Keep in mind that after you sign a report, no further changes can be made until the signature is removed. If you intend to continue working on the report, remember to unsign it after following the steps below.
  1. With a report open, click Sign report (  ) on the upper left.
  2. In the window that appears, configure your settings as you normally would, then check the box to Export report properties to the database at the bottom. Check the box to Include comparables from Workfile if you want to export the properties saved in your report's Workfile in addition to the properties you currently have in your report.

    Export report properties when sigining

  3. Once you've enabled your option(s), simply click Sign to sign your report and export your subject (and any other properties in your report) to the Comps Database.

That's it! The properties from your report are now available in the Comps Database. Additionally, TOTAL remembers your preferences and continues to automatically export report properties to the database when signing subsequent reports. To disable this feature, simply uncheck the export report properties box before signing a report.