Toolbar Button Reference

Titan Reports provides a series of buttons you can use to control the format of the fields in your report, interact with form data, and add to your report. Here's a brief description of each button.

New Report — Starts a new report.
Appraisal Desktop — Opens the Appraisal Desktop.
Save — Saves the report.
Print — Prints the report.
Sign — Opens the signing options.
Merge — Merge forms, data, photos, sketches, and more using SmartMerge
Contents — Opens the Contents window where you can view the forms library, as well as add, rename, rearrange, and remove forms.
Addenda — Opens the addenda split‑screen view where you can create narrative supplements to your appraisal reports.
Insert — Insert documents into your report from a scanner, PDF file, image, or Windows clipboard.
Add Map — Allows you to retrieve location maps, flood maps, or subject‑only location maps. You can also get driving directions and access flood, census, and USPS data while you're in the map wizard.
Opens the E&O checker and reviews your report for any major errors or empty fields
 — Opens a find and replace pane where you can search for and/or replace specific words or phrases. It allows you to choose whether you want to perform the find/replace in the current field, current page, current form, or the entire report
Jump to Forms 
Use the Jump to Forms drop‑down menu to quickly jump to another form in your report
Fonts — Choose the font style and font size for the current field using the drop‑down menus.
Bold — Bolds the selected text in your report.
Italicize — Italicizes the selected text in your report.
Underline — Underlines the selected text in your report.
Left Justify — Left justifies the selected text in your report.
Center Justify — Centers the selected text in your report.
Right Justify — Right justifies the selected text in your report.
Lock Field — Lock the field from any automated field transfers that would normally override your custom field input.
Numbers Only — Restricts the input in the current field to ONLY numbers, commas, decimal points, and a leading plus/minus.
Rounding — Specify how you want to round numeric values, and then choose to apply it to the current field or all fields in the report. Depending on your selection, the button in the toolbar will display as NR (No rounding), 1's (Round whole), 5's, 10's, 50's, 100's, 500's, or 1000's. A field must be set to Numbers Only in order to apply rounding settings.
Show Leading Plus/Minus — For numeric fields, toggles the visibility of a leading plus/minus symbol.
Show Commas — For numeric fields, toggles comma separators for thousands on and off.
2 Decimal Places — Limit the number of decimal places in the field to only two decimals.
Zoom — Adjust the zoom level of the form in your report.