Mercury Network

To deliver your report to Mercury Network from Titan Reports:

  1. Log in to Titan Reports and open the report you want to deliver.
  2. Make sure your report is signed. Then, click Deliver on the upper left and select Mercury Network from the drop‑down menu.

    Select Mercury Network from the Deliver menu

  3. The first time you deliver to Mercury Network, you need to log in to your Mercury Network account and authorize Titan Reports to access your orders. Click OK on the Mercury Network Authentication message that appears. If you've already authorized access, skip to Step 6.

    Click OK on the Mercury Network Authentication message

  4. Enter your Mercury Network E-mail and Password, and click Login.
  5. Review the list of permissions and check or uncheck the boxes next to each item to grant or revoke access. When you're finished, click Yes, allow.
    Keep in mind that Your user identifier is a required permission and must be checked before continuing.

    Review permissions and click Yes, allow

  6. Once you've allowed Titan Reports to access your Mercury Network orders, your list of orders is displayed. Select the order you want to associate with your report and click Next.

    Select the order you want to associate and click Next

  7. Choose the pages you want to include in the PDF that is sent to your client by checking the box next to each page in the Include column on the left. Then, adjust your Report Options on the right and click Continue.

    Choose which pages to include and click Continue

  8. Once the PDF is successfully generated and submitted, the PDF is sent to your client, the Mercury Delivery Results are displayed with a confirmation message, and the Current report status is set to Delivered. Click Return to Titan to close this window and return to your report in Titan Reports.

    Mercury Delivery Results / Return To Titan