Save XML and PDF to your computer

DataCourier allows you to save a copy of your XML and PDF file directly to a location on your computer in order to deliver or store the files based on your needs.

Attaching MISMO XML and PDF files to a standard email message is a potential violation of GLB privacy rules, and we definitely DO NOT recommend it.

To save your MISMO XML and PDF locally:

  1. Click the drop‑down arrow beside the Deliver to Client icon and select Save XML and PDF to your PC.

    Save XML and PDF to your PC

  2. An E&O check automatically runs, and if any errors are found, you have a couple of options:

    If no UAD errors are found, you're automatically taken to the Titan Reports print engine where you select the pages to be delivered.

  3. In the window that appears, select the pages you want to include ( A ), choose how you want to name the files ( B ), and adjust your report options ( C ). When you're finished, click Generate PDF and XML ( D ).