Print reports to PDF

To print your report to PDF:

  1. In an open report in Titan Reports, click File on the upper left, and select Generate Report PDF from the drop‑down menu.

  2. In the screen that appears, adjust your PDF options:

    1. Check the box beside each page you want to print. To select all pages, click the Include Page checkbox. To deselect all pages, uncheck the Include Page checkbox.
    2. In the Include in TOC column, check only the pages you want to show in the Table of Contents and display a page number.
    3. Choose how you want to name the file from the drop‑down menu in the Export Options.
    4. Adjust your Report Options:
      Shrink legal sized pages to letter size
      When enabled, this option shrinks any legal sized forms in your report to fit on a letter sized (8½×11) page.
      Save a PDF copy to the report's Workfile
      Copies an original version of your report PDF into your Workfile so that you have a time-stamped copy of your original PDF in case you need it.
      Show report page numbers
      Displays a page number in the top corner of every page of your report.
      Display page numbers as X of Y
      Displays page numbering as one of a series of pages (5 of 32, for example) instead of a single page number for each page of your report.
      Show a box around photos
      Draws an outline around each photo in your report.
      Show Net and Gross %
      Displays the net and gross percentages on any form where they are not already a part of the copyrighted form.
      Show a Summary Phrase
      Includes a brief summary phrase at the top left of your report.
      Show <choice of file number> on every page
      Enable this option to choose one of the following file number options to display on each form in your report:
      • Main File No.
      • Other File No.
      • Internal Order No.
      • Lender Order No.
      • Client File No.
      • FHA/VA Case No.
    5. Generates a PDF copy of the report.
  3. When you're finished, click Generate PDF (E) to create the PDF file.