File Versions

Titan Drive allows you to easily share files between users. File Versions is an archive of the revisions made by users in other locations. Each time a file is modified from a different user/computer combination, and those changes are uploaded or stored in Titan Drive, the previous version is added to the archive to ensure files aren't accidentally overwritten.

To restore a previous version of a file:

  1. Log in to Titan Reports.
  2. Select the file and click File Versions in the toolbar at the top.

  3. The archive list displays each version of the file, the username and location where a specific version was edited and by whom, as well as the date and time it was last modified. Select an archived version and choose to overwrite or copy:

    If you restored a file from a previous version and replaced the original file in error, simply repeat Steps 1 and 2 and select the most recently archived file before choosing to overwrite the selected file.
  4. If you chose Open selected as copy, enter a new report description and click Submit.

That's it! The restored version now appears in the Appraisal Desktop.