Spell Check

To spell check your report:

  1. In the Forms PowerView, click the drop‑down arrow next to Spell, and choose to spell check the Current Field, Current Form, or Whole Report.

  2. If Titan Reports finds a potential misspelling, review the list of Suggestions and choose the entry you want to use, or type your own custom entry in the Change To field. Then, choose from the following options:

  3. Repeat the process until spell‑checking is complete.

Editing the User Dictionary

Use the dictionary editor in Titan Reports to add or remove a word from your custom dictionary:

  1. In the Forms PowerView, click the drop‑down arrow next to Spell, and choose View/Edit User Dictionary.

  2. Now, the User Dictionary window opens. From here, you can add or remove entries from the custom dictionary.

  3. When you're finished editing your custom dictionary, click Close.