The E&O check reviews your report for any major errors or empty fields. Once your report is complete, run a quick E&O check to verify that everything is in place before delivering the report to your client.

There are three types of alert icons that appear when running an E&O check:

Indicates potential inconsistencies such as mathematics and equivalencies, and fields that should be reviewed for accuracy. The E&O warnings are derived from the standard a la mode rule set.
UAD Error
Indicates that the field in reference does not comply with the UAD standards rule set, and may result in delivery failure in certain instances.
Fatal Hard Stop
Indicates that the field in reference does not comply with the UAD standards rule set. Per Fannie Mae, failure to correct the violation will result in delivery failure if a client attempts to upload the report through the UCDP Portal.

To run an E&O check:

  1. Click E&O in the top toolbar.

  2. Review the E&O results and determine if any further action is needed:
  3. When you have made the necessary correction(s) to your report, click Refresh to update the results and filter out the items you've fixed.

  4. When you're finished, click the X (  ) at the top of the E&O results, or simply click the E&O button in the toolbar again.