Accessing locked and read-only fields

This document explains how to access to read-only fields to remove field locks, override calculations, or enter a zero for net and gross percentage totals.

Document 6507  |  Last updated:  10/23/2020 SPB

Unlocking read‑only fields to enable transfers:

This situation is usually seen in the View and Condition fields in the Sales Comparison section of the UAD-compliant 1004 form. Instead of typing in these fields, they accept transfers from page 1, so they are read only. But if they were locked inadvertently — perhaps carried forward during merging or cloning — those transfers may not take place so they will be blank or have incorrect data when you get to page 2.

Since these fields are read only, and you're not supposed to cursor into them, you can't easily unlock them. The way you can unlock them is to include them in a group of fields you select and then toggle the lock. Here's how:

  1. Place your cursor in the field above or below the field that is locked and not accepting transfers.
  2. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and use the up or down arrow keys (  /  ) on your keyboard to highlight the locked field.
  3. Click the Lock button in the toolbar twice. (First click will toggle the lock on for all the selected fields, the second click will toggle the log off.)

You should now see data transfer into the previously locked fields.

Removing read‑only attributes on fields so you can type in them:

Traditionally fields are either automatically filled out by the program or is accessible to you to edit. However, there are some fields — such as the net and gross adjustment fields or the comp numbering — that are not editable due to the read‑only attribute. Here's how you can remove the read only attribute from a field so you can enter data as you desired.

  1. Place your cursor in the field above or below the field that is locked.
  2. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and use the up or down arrow keys (  /  ) on your keyboard to highlight the locked field.
  3. Once the read‑only field is highlighted, right‑click the field, and choose Format Field.
  4. Now de‑select the Read Only option and click OK.
  5. You should now be able to place your cursor in the field and enter information.
  6. After you enter the information press Ctrl + L to lock the data in the field.

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