TOTAL fails to open after an update
This document explains how to get TOTAL up and running again if it doesn't open right away after updating.
Document 6110 | Last updated: 04/28/2021 SPB
Occasionally, you might run into a situation in which TOTAL doesn't open up like it usually does. If TOTAL fails to open and you aren't receiving any error messages, you might need to repair or replace some of TOTAL's program files. Follow the instructions below to learn how!
If you're on a networked installation, complete these steps on your Server.
Windows may prompt you with a User Account Control security question. If you get a pop-up window when you run the file, simply click Yes to allow Windows to run the Tech Support Assistant.
If the Tech Support Assistant fails to replace any of the files shown, restart your PC. When it finishes rebooting, press Windows Key + R on your keyboard to launch a Run prompt. Then, type TSA in the Open: field, click OK to launch the Tech Support Assistant, and repeat steps 4 and 5.
That's it! Once you've repaired and replaced TOTAL's system files, simply close the Tech Support Assistant and open TOTAL.