Changing the save location for PDF and XML files

This document shows you how to change the save location of an XML and/or PDF file.

Document 6015  |  Last updated:  08/30/2017 MJY

Occasionally, you may encounter error messages when attempting to save a PDF or XML + PDF copy of your report to your computer's hard drive. The cause of these error messages is typically due to permissions settings within Windows. You can resolve this quickly by changing the location to which TOTAL saves your XML and PDF. Here's how:

To change where your PDF and XML files are saved:

  1. With the Export XML and PDF window open, click Browse.

    DataCourier Browse

  2. In the Browse for Folder window, simply choose the destination folder, and click OK.

    Browse for Folder

  3. Now, just verify that the new location is displayed in the File Path field and click Save.

That's it!  Your XML and PDF files are now saved to the new location.

To change where your PDF files are saved when printing your report to PDF:

  1. With the TOTAL Print Engine open, click Configure on the right side of the screen.

    Print Engine Configure

  2. In the Browse for Folder window, simply choose the destination folder, and click OK.

    Browse for Folder

  3. Now, just mark the pages to include and click Print to save your PDF file in the new location.

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