Images aren't loaded into the images folder after being imported from QuickPix.

For now, this is just a temporary "workaround."  We're working on an update to the software that will solve this problem entirely.  Until then, these instructions will help.

Last updated: 01/26/2014 MJY

This issue only occurs when the images and thumbnail paths are set to the same location in TOTAL's Configuration Settings. When importing images with the QuickPix importer, the image is added to the folder correctly, but is subsequently deleted when the thumbnail of the image is generated to the same location.


To correct this issue, simply edit the data path for thumbnails folder:

  1. Open TOTAL's Appraisal Desktop, click Tools on the upper left, and select Configure Settings from the drop‑down menu.
  2. Click Browse to the right of the Thumbnails path in the Data paths & program connectivity section of the General settings.

    Browse for Thumbnails Data Path

  3. Browse to the location below and select the Thumbs folder:

    Select the Thumbs folder

    For Windows XP:
    C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\a la mode\database
    Note that [username] will be replaced by your Windows username.
    For Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8:
    C:\Users\[username]\Documents\a la mode\Database\
    Note that [username] will be replaced by your Windows username.

    If you don't have a Thumbs folder inside of the Database folder, make sure that the Database folder is selected, click Make New Folder on the lower left, type Thumbs for the folder name, and press Enter.

    Create the Thumbs folder

  4. Once you have located or created your Thumbs folder, make sure it is highlighted and click OK.

That's it!  Once you have updated the data path for your thumbnails, import your images using QuickPix Importer again. TOTAL is now able to save your images to the correct location without them being overwritten by the thumbnails.

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WD 20095  |  ID 73552