Adding a Company Logo

Many organizations have a customized company logo. You can include this on your XSite if the logo is in one of the common web graphic formats, such as .gif, .png, .bmp or .jpg.

The best size for your logo is listed at the bottom of the My Logo section of the Theme Prefs page.

To include your logo on your XSite:

  1. In the Theme Prefs section of the XSites Wizard, click the Include my logo check box
  2. Next, click the Upload your logo link.
  3. Choose a file from your file library. Or, click Add New File, browse to the graphic file on your PC that contains your logo, select it and click Open, and then click Upload. When it finishes uploading, your file is added to the list of files in your file library.
  4. Once you've selected the file from your file library, click OK.
  5. You'll now see your logo in your site preview to the left. Use your mouse to drag it to the desired area of your site header.

To remove your logo at any time, simply un-check the Include my logo check box. If you desire, you can also remove the logo image from the wizard by clicking the Remove your logo link.