Linking to email Addresses

Inserting a link to an email address makes it quick and easy for your site visitors to communicate with you. When viewers click the link, their default email program appears, opens a new email message and inserts the email address you specify into the To line. To add a link to an email address into your web page:

  1. In the Content Editor, place your cursor where you'd like to insert the link. Alternatively, if you want to turn some existing text or an image into a hyperlink, select the text (or image) you want the user to click.
    While rare, it is possible that some people won't have their system configured properly to take advantage of these links. Therefore, we recommend using your actual email address as the link text. That way, even if viewers don't have their system configured, they can still see your address and email you manually.
  2. Click the Hyperlink Manager icon (the one that looks like a globe with two enclosed chain links.

  3. In the screen that appears, click the email tab.

  4. Type the destination email address in the Address field and, if necessary, some Link Text (if that field is not already filled out). In the Subject field, enter a default subject for the message. Of course, users can change this text when they create the message.
  5. Finally, click OK to insert your link into your web page.