
TOTAL for Mobile's Settings allow you to customize many aspects of data entry, photo quality, and sketching. Select a tab below for instructions on adjusting the settings in TOTAL for Mobile specific to your device:


  1. From the home screen of your mobile device, tap Settings to open the mobile device's global Settings application. This is the same application you use to configure other mobile device settings such as the sounds and brightness.

  2. Scroll past the native mobile device settings until you reach the application specific settings in the list on the left, and tap TOTAL.

  3. Once TOTAL is selected, a list of options is displayed on the right. Below is a rundown of each available option and its intended function:


Default PowerView
Tap this option to choose which PowerView is loaded by default when you open a report in TOTAL for Mobile. For example, if you want TOTAL for Mobile to go straight to the Sketch PowerView each time you open a report, select that as the default from the list of PowerViews. Keep in mind that this is a global setting and it changes the default PowerView for all of your existing reports as well as any new reports you create.
Type — Report Description
This setting determines which keyboard appears when you enter the report description field in a new report. Choose between Numbers and Alphabet.
All Caps on Forms
When this is enabled, any text entered on the forms is entered in all caps.
Auto‑Correction on Forms
Auto‑corrects your data entry as you enter it. The auto‑correction works much as it does for e‑mails, text messages, and other programs that use data entry on your device.
Auto‑Update Room Counts
With this option checked, the app counts your Above Grade Rooms automatically in order to populate your form. To enter your room counts manually, disable this.
Offer 2nd Level QuickLists
This option enables the use of secondary QuickLists. Using the Floors field in the Improvements section as an example, the primary QuickList entry describes the material used, then a 2nd level QuickList appears allowing you to describe the quality or condition of that material (i.e. Carpet/Good or Tile/Repairs Needed).
Keep Screen On in Report
With this enabled, your device's screen will stay on if a report is open, regardless of your device's settings.
Recovery Files Removed After
This option lets you specify the number of days to keep files available after deletion. Choose 1, 4, or 7 days.
Use Google Directions
With this enabled, directions come from Google Maps instead of Apple Maps.
Auto Address Update
With this enabled, address information is automatically corrected per USPS standards.
Auto Update Total Area
With this enabled, the Total Area field in Fannie Mae's Property Data Collection (PDC) form is automatically updated to match the sketch.
Use Zip + 4
With this enabled, your zip codes are appended with +4 automatically.

Regional Settings

Press this option to specify whether you want to use U.S. forms or Canadian forms in your reports.
Regional Page Size & Type
For each page listed, you can select a default size or type as needed. If you enabled Canadian forms, you'll see (US) and (CAN) forms.


Use System Camera
This option allows you to choose whether you want to use your mobile device's stock camera or TOTAL Mobile's camera when you take photos in the app.
Photo Size
Tap this to set the default size for photos. Choose between Compact, Standard, Large, Extra Large, or Original (which leaves your photos their original size).
Photo Quality
This setting allows you to choose the quality of the photos used in the report file. Like Photo Size, this setting affects the size of your reports: Extra Fine requires the most space, and Standard requires the least space.
Save Copy to Camera Roll
With this option enabled, images that are added to a report are also saved to your device's Camera Roll.
Default Photo Action
This option allows you to specify whether you want to launch your mobile device's camera app, or view images already saved to your mobile device when you tap a photo slot in your report.
Comp Photo at Top
With this option checked, TOTAL for Mobile displays the photo for your comparable at the top of the comp details section instead of the default position at the bottom.
Room Photos at Top
With this option enabled, TOTAL for Mobile displays your room photos at the top of the Room form instead of the default position at the bottom.


This option determines the units of measure for your sketches — choose between Decimal Feet, Feet and Inches, or Meters.
Line Dimension Precision
Choose the number of decimal places to round your line dimensions between 0 decimal places, 1 decimal place (0.1), or 2 decimal places (0.02).
Specify the distance from which the sketcher "snaps" to the grid and other lines when drawing walls, drawing angles, and auto‑closing an area:
  • In the Length Snapping and Auto Close Area Snapping sections, select the snapping options when drawing using Decimal Feet, Feet & Inches, and Meters:
    Decimal Feet:
    When sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically snaps to another line or auto closes the area any time it is within .1 ft, .25 ft, .50 ft, or 1 ft of another line based on your selection here.
    Feet & Inches:
    When sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically snaps to another line or auto closes the area any time it is within ¼ ft, ½ ft, or 1 ft of another line based on your selection here.
    When sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically snaps to another line or auto closes the area any time it is within 0.01 m, 0.1 m, 0.25 m, 0.50 m, or 1 m of another line based on your selection here.
  • Tap Degrees in the Angle Snapping section to specify the degree to which you want your angles to "snap" when sketching. This helps avoid inaccuracies when drawing angles because they "snap" to a common degree specified here.
  • In the Merge Area Snapping section, choose the distance in Decimal Feet, Feet & Inches, and/or Meters that an area being dragged will "snap" and merge with another area. The snapping threshold defaults are higher for this setting to allow for easier merging.
Distance to Close
With this enabled, a dimension label appears in real‑time as you draw your lines to indicate the distance from your starting point. This is useful for keeping track of your position in relation to your sketch — especially handy when you're zoomed in and/or fine tuning your sketch.
Toggles the Distance To Close feature on or off.
This allows you to set the color of the distance label. Options include Black, Blue, Green, and Red.
Cursor Move Distance
Specify the distance you'd like to move the cursor when using the sketch keyboard's arrow keys.
Place Cursor Mode
After you place your cursor, the sketcher automatically changes modes to keep your workflow uninterrupted. Choose the default mode from three options:
Return to Wall Mode:
The cursor immediately returns to Draw mode so you can continue drawing walls.
Stay in Move Mode:
This prevents the sketcher from changing modes after placing the cursor. If you need to change modes after placing the cursor, you must manually select it.
Startup Mode
Decide the default mode in which you are started when you first access the sketcher: Draw mode or Modify mode.
This toggles the grid lines for the sketch canvas on or off.
Auto Zoom
When this is enabled, the sketcher automatically zooms to fit the contents of the sketch canvas.
Swipe to Draw
With this enabled, swiping your device's screen in a given direction creates a line in that direction.
Show New Area Labels
When checked, the Area name and size labels are visible on your sketch. Uncheck this option to have them hidden by default.
Enable DISTO in Sketcher
Enable this option to allow DISTO measurements when sketching.
Round DISTO Measurements
This option allows you to round the measurements taken by your DISTO. Choose between .05 units, .1 units, .25 units, .5 units, 1 unit, or set it to None to disable rounding.


ScanToSketch Buttons On Left Side
Enable this option to display buttons on the left side of the screen, or disable this option to display button on the right side of the screen.
Last Wall Detection Tolerance
Adjust the tolerance for corners of 90°, 45°, and Other°. To increase the detection of the last wall, raise the tolerance threshold that matches the wall angle. If the last‑wall popup appears too frequently, lower the tolerance threshold.

Mobile Sync Web Services URL

This setting provides a URL that tells TOTAL for Mobile where to upload your files when synchronizing. Do not change this setting unless instructed to do so by a technical support representative.


This displays the version of TOTAL for Mobile and the update currently installed on your device.
Tech Support
This displays the toll‑free phone number where you can reach an a la mode technical support representative.


  1. Open TOTAL for Mobile to access the File Manager. If you currently have a file open, save and close it to return to the File Manager.
  2. Tap the menu icon (  ) and press Settings.

  3. When the settings window appears, TOTAL for Mobile has several options to choose from. Below is a rundown of each available option and its intended function:


Default PowerView
Tap this option to choose which PowerView is loaded by default when you open a report in TOTAL for Mobile. For example, if you want TOTAL for Mobile to go straight to the Sketch PowerView each time you open a report, select that as the default from the list of PowerViews. Keep in mind that this is a global setting and it changes the default PowerView for all of your existing reports as well as any new reports you create.
All Caps on Forms
When this is enabled, any text entered on the forms is entered in all caps.
Auto‑Correction on Forms
Auto‑corrects your data entry as you enter it. The auto‑correction works much as it does for emails, text messages, and other programs that use data entry on your device.
Offer 2nd Level QuickLists
This option enables the use of secondary QuickLists. Using the Floors field in the Improvements section as an example, the primary QuickList entry describes the material used, then a 2nd level QuickList appears allowing you to describe the quality or condition of that material (i.e. Carpet/Good or Tile/Repairs Needed).
Auto‑Update Room Counts
With this option checked, the app counts your Above Grade Rooms automatically in order to populate your form. To enter your room counts manually, disable this.
Auto Update Total Area
With this enabled, the Total Area field in Fannie Mae's Property Data Collection (PDC) form is automatically updated to match the sketch.
Press this option to specify whether you want to use U.S. Forms or Canadian Forms in your reports.
Map Type
Tap this option to select the default map image to be displayed. Choose between Standard or Satellite map types.
Keep Screen On
With this option checked, your device's screen will stay on if a report is open, regardless of your device settings.
Recovery Timeout
This option lets you specify the number of days to keep files available after deletion. Choose 1, 4, or 7 days.
Show QuickLists as Pop‑up
(This option is only available on smaller tablet devices) With this option checked, TOTAL for Mobile undocks the QuickLists pane and displays it as a floating element beside the selected field.
QuickLists pane on Right
(This option is only available on tablet devices) With this option checked, TOTAL for Mobile moves the QuickLists pane to the right of the screen, instead of the default location on the left.
Sketch Settings
These are the settings that affect sketching in TOTAL for Mobile. Press here for a complete rundown of all available options.


Photo Size
This setting allows you to control the size of the photos used in the report, which also affects the size of your report file.
Photo Quality
This setting allows you to choose the quality of the photos used in the report file. Like Photo Size, this setting affects the size of your reports: Extra Fine requires the most space, and Standard requires the least space.
Comp Photo Page Size
Tap this to set the default photo page size for your comps. Choose between Small, Medium, and Large photo page sizes.
Rental Photo Page Size
Tap this to set the default photo page size for your rentals. Choose between Small, Medium, and Large photo page sizes.
Listing Photo Page Size
Tap this to set the default photo page size for your listings. Choose between Small, Medium, and Large photo page sizes.
Room Photo Page
Tap this option to choose the default photo page used for your rooms that are added in the Structure section of your report as well as your sketch.
Comp Photo at Top
With this option checked, TOTAL for Mobile displays the photo for your comparable at the top of the comp details section instead of the default position at the bottom.
Room Photos at Top
With this option checked, TOTAL for Mobile displays your room photos at the top of the Room form instead of the default position at the bottom.
Save Photos to Device
With this option checked, images that are added to a report are also saved to your mobile device.
Use System Camera
This option allows you to choose whether you want to use your mobile device's stock camera or TOTAL Mobile's camera when you take photos in the app.
Use Quick Capture
If you opt to use the TOTAL Mobile camera instead of your device's camera, you can enable Quick Capture, which bypasses the confirmation pop‑up when you tap the shutter.
Default Photo Action
This option allows you to specify whether you want to launch your mobile device's camera app, or view images already saved to your mobile device when you tap a photo slot in your report.


Use Zip+4
With this enabled, your zip codes are appended with +4 automatically.
Auto Address Update
With this enabled, address information is automatically corrected per USPS standards.


Send Logs
Select this option to collect your device log and send it using the application of your choice. The device log contains valuable information that can assist a technical support representative in troubleshooting.
Mobile Sync Web Services URL
This setting provides a URL that tells TOTAL for Mobile where to upload your files when synchronizing. Do not change this setting unless instructed to do so by a technical support representative.

Sketch Settings


This toggles the grid lines between displayed and not displayed for the sketch canvas.
Auto Zoom
When this is enabled, the sketcher automatically zooms to fit the contents of the sketch canvas.


This option determines the units of measure for your sketches — choose between Decimal Feet, Feet and Inches, or Meters.
Line Dimension Precision
Choose the number of decimal places to round your line dimensions between 0 decimal places, 1 decimal place (0.1), or 2 decimal places (0.02).
Show New Area Labels
When checked, the Area name and size labels are visible on your sketch. Uncheck this option to have them hidden by default.

Length Snapping

Decimal Feet
Specify the distance from which the sketcher "snaps" to the grid and other lines when using Decimal Feet as your unit of measure — i.e., when you are sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically snaps to another line any time it is within .1 ft, .25 ft, .50 ft, or 1 ft of the other line based on your selection here.
Feet & Inches
Specify the distance from which the sketcher "snaps" to the grid and other lines when using Decimal Feet as your unit of measure — i.e., when you are sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically snaps to another line any time it is within ¼ ft, ½ ft, or 1 ft of the other line based on your selection here.
Specify the distance from which the sketcher "snaps" to the grid and other lines when using Meters as your unit of measure — i.e., when you are sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically snaps to another line any time it is within 0.01 m, 0.1 m, 0.25 m, 0.50 m, or 1 m of the other line based on your selection here.

Angle Snapping

Select the degree to which you want your angles to "snap" when sketching. This helps avoid inaccuracies when drawing angles because they "snap" to a common degree specified here.

Auto Close Area Snapping

Decimal Feet
Specify the distance from which the sketcher "snaps" to the grid and auto closes an area when using Decimal Feet as your unit of measure — i.e., when you are sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically closes the current area any time it is within .1 ft, .25 ft, .50 ft, or 1 ft of the beginning point on your sketch based on your selection here.
Feet & Inches
Specify the distance from which the sketcher "snaps" to the grid and auto closes an area when using Decimal Feet as your unit of measure — i.e., when you are sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically closes the current area any time it is within ¼ ft, ½ ft, or 1 ft of the beginning point on your sketch based on your selection here.
Specify the distance from which the sketcher "snaps" to the grid and auto closes an area when using Meters as your unit of measure — i.e., when you are sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically closes the current area any time it is within 0.01 m, 0.1 m, 0.25 m, 0.50 m, or 1 m the beginning point on your sketch based on your selection here.

Distance To Close

With this enabled, a dimension label appears in real‑time as you draw your lines to indicate the distance from your starting point. This is useful for keeping track of your position in relation to your sketch — especially handy when you're zoomed in and/or fine tuning your sketch.
This allows you to set the color of the distance label. Options include Black, Blue, Green, and Red.


Place Cursor Mode
After you place your cursor, the sketcher automatically changes modes to keep your workflow uninterrupted. Choose the default mode from three options:
  • Return to Wall Mode: The cursor immediately returns to Draw mode so you can continue drawing walls.
  • Stay in Move Mode: This prevents the sketcher from changing modes after placing the cursor. If you need to change modes after placing the cursor, you must manually select it.
Startup Mode
Decide the default mode in which you are started when you first access the sketcher: Draw mode, Modify mode, or Place Cursor Mode.


Auto Place Line
When enabled, the line is automatically placed on the sketch after transfer. When disabled, you must press the plus sign (  ) or Bluetooth key to place the line.
Reconnect at Start
Automatically connects the most recently used device when the sketch is opened when this is enabled. When this option is disabled, you must manually connect the DISTO each time.
Round Measurement
This option allows you to round the measurements taken by your DISTO. Choose between .05 units, .1 units, .25 units, .5 units, 1 unit, or set it to None to disable rounding.


  1. From the home screen of your mobile device, tap Settings to open the mobile device's global Settings application. This is the same application you use to configure other mobile device settings such as the sounds and brightness.

  2. Scroll past the native mobile device settings until you reach the application specific settings in the list on the left, and tap TOTAL.

  3. Once TOTAL is selected, a list of options is displayed on the right. Below is a rundown of each available option and its intended function:


Default PowerView
Tap this option to choose which PowerView is loaded by default when you open a report in TOTAL for Mobile. For example, if you want TOTAL for Mobile to go straight to the Sketch PowerView each time you open a report, select that as the default from the list of PowerViews. Keep in mind that this is a global setting and it changes the default PowerView for all of your existing reports as well as any new reports you create.
Type ‑ Report Description
This setting determines which keyboard appears when you enter the report description field in a new report. Choose between Numbers and Alphabet.
All Caps on Forms
When this is enabled, any text entered on the forms is entered in all caps.
Auto‑Correction on Forms
Auto‑corrects your data entry as you enter it. The auto‑correction works much as it does for e‑mails, text messages, and other programs that use data entry on your device.
Auto‑Update Room Counts
With this option checked, the app counts your Above Grade Rooms automatically in order to populate your form. To enter your room counts manually, disable this.
Offer 2nd Level QuickLists
This option enables the use of secondary QuickLists. Using the Floors field in the Improvements section as an example, the primary QuickList entry describes the material used, then a 2nd level QuickList appears allowing you to describe the quality or condition of that material (i.e. Carpet/Good or Tile/Repairs Needed).
Keep Screen On in Report
With this enabled, your device's screen will stay on if a report is open, regardless of your device's settings.
Recovery Files Removed After
This option lets you specify the number of days to keep files available after deletion. Choose 1, 4, or 7 days.
Use Google Directions
With this enabled, directions come from Google Maps instead of Apple Maps.
Auto Address Update
With this enabled, address information is automatically corrected per USPS standards.
Auto Update Total Area
With this enabled, the Total Area field in Fannie Mae's Property Data Collection (PDC) form is automatically updated to match the sketch.
Use Zip + 4
With this enabled, your zip codes are appended with +4 automatically.

Regional Settings

Press this option to specify whether you want to use U.S. forms or Canadian forms in your reports.
Regional Page Size & Type
For each page listed, you can select a default size or type as needed. If you enabled Canadian forms, you'll see (US) and (CAN) forms.


Use System Camera
This option allows you to choose whether you want to use your mobile device's stock camera or TOTAL Mobile's camera when you take photos in the app.
Photo Size
Tap this to set the default size for photos. Choose between Compact, Standard, Large, Extra Large, or Original (which leaves your photos their original size).
Photo Quality
This setting allows you to choose the quality of the photos used in the report file. Like Photo Size, this setting affects the size of your reports: Extra Fine requires the most space, and Standard requires the least space.
Save Copy to Camera Roll
With this option enabled, images that are added to a report are also saved to your device's Camera Roll.
Default Photo Action
This option allows you to specify whether you want to launch your mobile device's camera app, or view images already saved to your mobile device when you tap a photo slot in your report.
Comp Photo at Top
With this option checked, TOTAL for Mobile displays the photo for your comparable at the top of the comp details section instead of the default position at the bottom.
Room Photos at Top
With this option enabled, TOTAL for Mobile displays your room photos at the top of the Room form instead of the default position at the bottom.


This option determines the units of measure for your sketches — choose between Decimal Feet, Feet and Inches, or Meters.
Line Dimension Precision
Choose the number of decimal places to round your line dimensions between 0 decimal places, 1 decimal place (0.1), or 2 decimal places (0.02).
Specify the distance from which the sketcher "snaps" to the grid and other lines when drawing walls, drawing angles, and auto‑closing an area:
  • In the Length Snapping and Auto Close Area Snapping sections, select the snapping options when drawing using Decimal Feet, Feet & Inches, and Meters:
    Decimal Feet:
    When sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically snaps to another line or auto closes the area any time it is within .1 ft, .25 ft, .50 ft, or 1 ft of another line based on your selection here.
    Feet & Inches:
    When sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically snaps to another line or auto closes the area any time it is within ¼ ft, ½ ft, or 1 ft of another line based on your selection here.
    When sketching an area, the line you are drawing automatically snaps to another line or auto closes the area any time it is within 0.01 m, 0.1 m, 0.25 m, 0.50 m, or 1 m of another line based on your selection here.
  • Tap Degrees in the Angle Snapping section to specify the degree to which you want your angles to "snap" when sketching. This helps avoid inaccuracies when drawing angles because they "snap" to a common degree specified here.
Distance to Close
With this enabled, a dimension label appears in real‑time as you draw your lines to indicate the distance from your starting point. This is useful for keeping track of your position in relation to your sketch — especially handy when you're zoomed in and/or fine tuning your sketch.
Toggles the Distance To Close feature on or off.
This allows you to set the color of the distance label. Options include Black, Blue, Green, and Red.
Cursor Move Distance
Specify the distance you'd like to move the cursor when using the sketch keyboard's arrow keys.
Place Cursor Mode
After you place your cursor, the sketcher automatically changes modes to keep your workflow uninterrupted. Choose the default mode from three options:
Return to Wall Mode:
The cursor immediately returns to Draw mode so you can continue drawing walls.
Stay in Move Mode:
This prevents the sketcher from changing modes after placing the cursor. If you need to change modes after placing the cursor, you must manually select it.
Startup Mode
Decide the default mode in which you are started when you first access the sketcher: Draw mode or Modify mode.
This toggles the grid lines for the sketch canvas on or off.
Auto Zoom
When this is enabled, the sketcher automatically zooms to fit the contents of the sketch canvas.
Swipe to Draw
With this enabled, swiping your device's screen in a given direction creates a line in that direction.
Show New Area Labels
When checked, the Area name and size labels are visible on your sketch. Uncheck this option to have them hidden by default.
Enable DISTO in Sketcher
Enable this option to allow DISTO measurements when sketching.
Round DISTO Measurements
This option allows you to round the measurements taken by your DISTO. Choose between .05 units, .1 units, .25 units, .5 units, 1 unit, or set it to None to disable rounding.

Mobile Sync Web Services URL

This setting provides a URL that tells TOTAL for Mobile where to upload your files when synchronizing. Do not change this setting unless instructed to do so by a technical support representative.


This displays the version of TOTAL for Mobile and the update currently installed on your device.
Tech Support
This displays the toll‑free phone number where you can reach an a la mode technical support representative.