Working with comps

Working with comparables in the Side-by-Side PowerView is even easier with the tools available in the top toolbar. Expand the available fields in the grid to provide additional information, import comps from previous reports, add an additional comps page on-the-fly, and even sort the comparables using a variety of factors. Continue reading below for more information on these and other features.

Side-by-Side Toolbar

Comps Detailed View

On top of the standard comparable information, you can now store additional data about every comp. This data, such as separate fields for garage and carport, or porch, patio and deck, is included with the comp and can be used to make automatic adjustments. However, the data is aggregated and inserted into the proper field on the form's grid. To use the comps detailed view, click Detailed View in the top toolbar of the Side-by-Side PowerView to expand the grid and enter additional data.

If an adjustment has been entered for a child field (a field that appears when Detailed View is enabled), and the adjustment for the parent field (the field that shows up on the form) is changed, the child fields are highlighted in a salmon color to indicate when they are no longer valid based on the new adjustment for the parent field.

Detailed View

To expand upon the detailed view, think of it as the notepad where you can make individual adjustments for each detail. Enter a value in a field like the half bath. Then give the amount in your expert opinion what that individual field is worth, and the parent field will reflect that change. You can even use the detailed view with SmartAdjust. To learn more about it, click here.

Round Adjustments

The Side-by-Side PowerView allows you to choose whether or not you want to round your adjustments, as well as how you would like to round them. Simply select the field(s) you would like to round and click the rounding drop‑down menu in the toolbar at the top. Then choose No Rounding to leave the adjustments as they are, or choose to round by 1's (whole), 5's, 10's, 50's, 100's, 500's, or 1000's. Once you've selected your rounding preference, it is applied to the currently selected field(s).

If you'd like to apply the current rounding to all of your adjustments, place your cursor in any adjustment field, choose how you want to round all adjustment fields using the rounding drop‑down menu, then click Apply to All Adjustment Fields to the right of the rounding drop‑down menu.

Property Type Drop-Down

The Property Type drop‑down menu is available in the Side-by-Side PowerView when you have a listings or rentals page in your report.

To access your listings or rentals in the Side-by-Side PowerView, simply click the drop‑down menu and choose the appropriate property type from the list.

Old Reports

Follow the instructions below to add comparable properties from an old report:

  1. From the Side-by-Side PowerView, click Old Reports in the top toolbar.
  2. In the window that appears, select the folder on the left containing your old report, or search for the old report using the Look for search bar.
  3. Once you have located the old report you want to use, click to select it.
  4. After selecting the old report, the subject property and comparables used in the old report are displayed. Place a check beside each property you want to add to your report, or click Mark All to select all properties.

  5. When you have selected the properties you want to add to your report, click Import. The properties are added to your report and placed after any existing comparables.

Add Comp Page

Click Add Comps Page in the top toolbar at any time to add an additional comparables page to your report. Once added, three additional columns appear in the side by side and an additional comps form is added to your report.

Drag/Drop Comparables

Rearranging comparables using drag-and-drop
Click this video to see it in action!

TOTAL also offers a new way to rearrange properties on the fly using drag/drop functionality. To rearrange your comps using this method, simply click and hold the textured icon (  ) on the upper-right corner of your property, drag it to the new position, and release to drop it in the new location. Any other comparables automatically adjust their positioning to make room for the comp you're moving.

Sort Comps

Sorting Comparables
Click this video to see it in action!

Click the drop‑down arrows beside Sort Comps to choose how you want to sort your comparable properties:

Choose how to sort comps

by Weight
Sorts your comps based on the weight value displayed at the top of each comparable column.
by Proximity
Sorts comparables based on the data entered in the Proximity to Subject field for each property.
by GLA
Sorts the properties based on the Gross Living Area entered for each comp.
by Indicated Sale Price
Sorts comps using the Ind or Indicated Sale Price (Commonly referred to as the Adjusted Sale Price) displayed for each property at the top of each comp column.
by Sale Price
Sorts your comparables based on the data entered in the Sale Price field for each comp.

Once you have selected the criteria by which to sort the properties, click the drop‑down arrow again to indicate whether you want your comps displayed in Ascending order, Descending order, or sort by in order by the comps that are Most Similar to Subject.

The option to sort comps Most Similar to Subject is only available when sorting by GLA, Indicated Sale Price, and Sale Price.