
SmartAddress helps you ensure you're consistent with your property data from report to report.  It automatically looks for additional versions of the subject and comp addresses in your Comps Database, and displays anything that's different from the data in your report — which helps you spot discrepancies right away.  It's also an amazing time‑saver, because you can simply reuse data from another version and copy it into the form in your report — not only for your comps, but for the subject address too.

A Version is defined as a property with all of its unique characteristics at a specific point in time. This is different from a Report Use, which is simply the number of times a version has been used in a report.

For example, if you change a comparable that's already in your Comps Database and use it in a report, you've created a new Version for that specific property. However, if you simply reuse an existing comp in a new report without changing any of its data, you've simply added to its Report Use number.

Launching SmartAddress

To launch SmartAddress from the Forms or Side‑by‑Side PowerView, simply click SmartAddress on your toolbar as shown below.

Using SmartAddress

Once SmartAddress launches, it flags inconsistencies with red text and icons. You can also apply data from your previous reports by clicking (  ) Copy all data in the Version column containing the data you wish to use.

Here's a breakdown of every option available to you in the SmartAddress window:

1)  Versions:
The list of matching comps are pulled from the Comps Database. Any field that is different from the current use is indicated with red text.
2)  Property selection arrows & dropdown:
Use the blue arrows (  /  ) to cycle through the properties in the report, or choose a specific property using the drop‑down menu.
3)  Inconsistent properties
This indicates the total number of properties currently in your report that have a version included in the consistency check that contains at least one field that doesn't match the other versions of that property.
4)  Only show most recent date of sale and Only show UAD comparables
Check these boxes to restrict SmartAddress to show only the most recent prior use or to display UAD compliant comps only.
5)  Advanced search:
Click the magnifying glass (  ) to search for an address to compare against the currently selected property.
6)  Include in consistency check:
Check or uncheck this box to include or exclude this particular version from the consistency check.
7)  Copy all data from this version:
Click the green arrow icon (  ) to automatically copy all of this version's data to your current report. This overwrites all pre‑existing data in your report for that comp.
8)  View report use(s):
Click the blue folder icon (  ) to open and view the report containing this version of the comparable data.
9)  Inconsistency/Red text in a field:
Any field containing data that doesn't match the data from another version is flagged with a yellow warning icon (  ) and the text in the field is highlighted in red.
10)  Copy data from this field:
Place your cursor in a field containing inconsistent data and click the green arrow icon (  ) that appears on the left to copy the data from this field only.
11)  Close:
When you're finished making changes, just click Close to return to your report.

Auto‑fill in the comps grid

By default, when you type an address into the Side‑by‑Side grid or page 2 of the URAR, SmartAddress searches your Comps Database. It chooses the best available version (usually the most recent), and automatically fills out your grid. If you prefer to manually enter your comp data, click here to learn how to disable the auto-fill feature.

How does TOTAL determine the "best version" for auto‑fill?

 If you're opted in to SmartExchange

If you've opted in to SmartExchange, you have access to comparable data from any of your participating peers, as well as your own Comps Database.

None of your subject data is ever uploaded to the SmartExchange servers. Only comparable data is uploaded and shared. Any subject data TOTAL uses to fill in your grid is either from your own Comps Database, or was used as a comparable by a participating peer appraiser.

 If you aren't opted in to SmartExchange

If you decide not to opt in to SmartExchange, TOTAL only searches the Comps Database on your current computer.