Photo Editing Tools

TOTAL's Image Optimizer provides Photo Editing Tools used to adjust and annotate the photos in your reports. Click an image or description below for more information about a specific tool.

Rotate Image 90 Degrees Left
Rotate Left:
Rotates the current Image 90° to the left
Rotate Image 90 Degrees
Rotate Right:
Rotates the current Image 90° to the right
Crops the image to a specified selection.
Undo Last Action Redo Last Action
Undo reverses the effects of the most recent action, whereas Redo reapplies those changes.
Fit Image To Screen
Fit To Screen:
Fits the current image to the size fo the preview pane on the right. When deselected, the image is displayed in the original aspect ratio.
Place ballons containing information from properties in your report, or create new custom balloons
Draw Line
Draw Line:
Draw lines to indicate property boundaries, write on the image, and more
Blur out photo elements such as family photos, religious artifacts, people, yard signs, etc.
Place icons on the image used to indicate where a subject property is located, a directional marker, and more.
Add Shape
Highlight areas of the image to indicate property boudaries, or draw attention to certain photo elements

Working with Balloons, Lines, and Highlighted Areas

Below are some things to keep in mind when placing and working with annotations: