TOTAL User's Guide

IQ Search and Filters

The power behind a comparables database is the ability to quickly and easily locate potential comparables that can be used in your report. TOTAL's IQ Search builds upon the search mechanics you're familiar with in other comparables databases by applying predefined search criteria across all of the properties in your database, and across all data sources for each comp. You can also customize the list of search criteria applied to your properties by default, then refine the default search criteria to adjust for the specific report you're working on. Then, narrow your results even further by entering criteria in the Filter tabs and drawing market areas so that you're not just finding comps, you're finding the best comparables for this appraisal.

IQ Search

IQ Search lets you specify reusable ranges relative to the subject (within 90 days, +/- 10% GLA, etc.) and it applies them automatically. Tweak the IQ items all you want and add an unlimited number of database‑specific custom queries on top of them too. If it exists, you’ll find it.

IQ Search applies a predefined list of search criteria across all properties and all sources in your database. The available search criteria is based on the 20 most commonly used fields such as Sale Date, GLA, and the Sale Price. The top 6 of these are enabled by default, but they can be customized to suit your searching preferences. When you open the Comps Database, the default IQ search settings are applied immediately and properties that do not meet your predefined criteria are eliminated from the list of results. The ranges for the values of each item in IQ search are based on the report you currently have open. Adjust the search criteria being applied to your properties by checking and unchecking the items from the IQ Search pane, or adjust the value ranges for each item to expand or narrow your search results.

Adjusting the search criteria to be used, or changing the range of values only affects the current session. Closing the Comps database and reopening reverts to the default settings for IQ search. If you want the changes to be permanent, you must make the changes from the customize search window.


Search Filters allow you to narrow your search results even further. Think of it like an "advanced" search function. The tabs displayed in the search Filters section vary depending on the source or sources of the properties in your Comps Database. Currently, there are 2 potential Filter tabs that are displayed:

  • Forms Tab — The Forms Filter is displayed consistently regardless of the source of your properties. This Filter allows you to further refine your search results by entering criteria specific to a particular form. Keep in mind that as you enter criteria here, it eliminates any property that is not associated with that form, and any property that is using the form, but does not meet the criteria. So, while it can be a very powerful tool, it's important to remain cognisant of the terms you're entering and settings you're using to avoid eliminating properties unintentionally.
  • Aurora Tab — The Aurora Tab only appears when Aurora's Comps Database is detected on the machine, or when comps have been imported directly from Aurora's Comps Database. This Filter tab allows you to refine your search results by searching for specific data available only in comps from Aurora's database. Again, like the Forms Filter, it's important to pay attention to the criteria you're entering here because it eliminates any properties outside of Aurora's Comps Database, and shows only the comps from Aurora that match the terms and settings your are entering.

As we release updates to the Comps Database and expand our list of integrated partners with the TOTAL store, additional import sources will be made available, and therefore additional Filter tabs will also be made available. Stay tuned for more information.

Customize Search

Customize search is where you change the default IQ Search criteria that is applied to your properties when you open the Comps Database, as well as the available fields that appear for your search Filters. Follow the instructions below to customize your IQ Search and Filters:

  1. From the Comps Database, click Customize Search in the top toolbar.

  2. Add items to, or remove items from the Displayed Fields.
    • To add an item, double‑click it in the list of Available Fields, or highlight the field, and click the right arrow in the center.
    • To remove an item, double‑click it in the list of Displayed Fields, or highlight it and click the left arrow in the center.
    • To organize your list of Displayed Fields and change the order in which they appear, select an item from the displayed fields column and click the up or down arrows in the center.

  3. Adjust the range when searching by clicking the up and down arrows for each value, or manually enter the value. An example is displayed to the right of each value based on the data in your current report.


    Let's say you want IQ Search to limit your search results so that only properties with a sale date within 6 Months of the subject are displayed:

    1. Ensure that the Sale Date field has been added to the Displayed Fields column on the right.
    2. Specify the number of months. In this case, enter the number 6.

    3. Notice that an example range of values is displayed to the right, based on the subject property from the report you currently have open. So, if the subject's sale date is 02/2019, the example range shows 08/18 to 02/19.
    4. Add and remove fields as necessary, adjust their values, and when finished click OK. These new values are applied to the IQ search, and are applied each time you open the Comps Database in subsequent reports.
  4. To adjust the Displayed Fields for your Filter tabs, click the Filter tab on the upper‑left, then double‑click to add and remove items like you performed in step 2 for the IQ Search.

That's it! From here, add and remove fields as necessary, adjust their values, and when finished click OK. The new values are applied to the IQ search and Filters where applicable, and are applied each time you open the Comps Database in subsequent reports.