Import Comps

The first step in using your Comps Database effectively is to fill it with reliable comp data. Currently there are 4 ways to import comps into your comps database:

Follow the instructions below to import comps from existing reports stored in TOTAL's appraisal desktop:

  1. With a report open, click the Side‑by‑Side tab in the main toolbar of your report.

  2. Click Comps Database.

    Comps Database

  3. When the Comps Database window appears, click Import in the top toolbar.
  4. In the window that appears, switch between the TOTAL and WinTOTAL tabs to choose the folders containing the reports from which you want to import comps. Place a check next to each folder from which you want to import comps.

  5. Specify whether or not you want to Include unsigned reports when importing comps, or to Import from Aurora Comps Db (if available on the same machine) by checking the boxes below the Import Settings on the right.
  6. When you're finished, click Import.