Using the Area Estimator, enter simple side measurements to
estimate the area of your site automatically.
To use the Area Estimator:
- In an open report, click Tools, and select Area
Estimator from the drop‑down menu.

Or, access the Area Estimator by clicking the icon at the
end of the Dimensions field.

Notice that you can enter multiple measurements in this field, and separate
them all with any of the following:
- * (asterisk)
- - (hyphen)
- / (forward or back slash)
- x (uppercase or lowercase "x")
- In the window that appears, the dimensions entered on the form (if any)
appear automatically. There are a few things you can do with the dimensions in
the Area Estimator:
- In the Enter the length of a side field, type the
length of any side of the area, and click Add. Enter as
many sides as necessary. As you add sides, the visual representation of your
area is displayed on the right.
- Use the up and down buttons to change
the order of the sides. Because the Area Estimator uses the average sides
method of calculation, the order of your sides can affect the total area.
- Click the Red X next
to any side to remove that side from the list.
- Select your default measurements for estimation. These settings are
remembered for future calculations.
- Select how your measurements are entered: Feet or
- Select the units in which to display your results: Square
Feet, Acres, Square Meters, or
- Finally, set your preferences for how the Area Estimator behaves in the
- Show me the estimator every time so that I can review the
results first - After you enter dimensions in the field on the form
and move to the next field, the Area Estimator is displayed so you can see
the results before they are inserted into the Area field on
the form.
- Perform this calculation automatically for me every time and
don't display the estimator - After you enter dimensions into the
field on the form and move to the next field, the resulting calculation is
automatically inserted into the Area field on the form.
- Only perform this calculation if two dimensions are entered (For
rectangular lots only) - Skips the calculation if there are more
than two sides entered in the Dimensions form on the field.
This effectively limits the Area Estimator to insert results only for
rectangular sites.
- Once you enter your dimensions and set your preferences, click
Insert. The result is inserted in the Area
field on the form, and your settings are stored for future use.