To add symbols to mark important locations on your map:

- From the Position and Annotate Your Map or
InterFlood steps of the Map Wizard, click the
Symbols icon (
) in the annotation toolbar.
- Choose a symbol category from the drop‑down menu. This is set to
Color by default. Options include:
- Color
- Black & White
- Legacy Color
- Legacy B&W
- Select a symbol from the Select icon drop‑down menu.
- Click the map image to place the symbol on your map.
To move a symbol on your map:

- Click to select the symbol you want to move.
- Click and drag the symbol to the new location on your map.
- Release the mouse button to drop the symbol into its new location.
To delete a symbol from your map:

- Click to select the symbol you want to delete.
- Press Delete on your keyboard, or right-click and select
delete from the drop‑down menu to remove it from your map.

To move a symbol you have placed on your map:
- Click to select the symbol you want move.
- When the symbol is selected, a four-directional arrow (
) is displayed when you hover
over it to indicate that it can be moved.
- Click and drag the symbol to the new location.
To re-size a a symbol you have placed on your map:
- Click to select the symbol you want re-size.
- When the symbol is selected, white boxes appear around the perimeter to
indicate it can be resized.
- Move your mouse cursor over a white box and it changes to a
two-directional arrow (
) .
- When you see the two-directional arrow (
), click and
drag to re-size the symbol.
To rotate a symbol you have placed on your map:
- Click to select the symbol you want rotate.
- When the symbol is selected, a green dot appears above the symbol to
indicate it can be rotated.
- Move your mouse to the green dot above the symbol to display the rotation
icon (
) .
- When you see the rotation icon, click and drag to rotate the symbol.
- Release the mouse button when finished to set your rotation.