To draw freeform lines on your map:
- Click the Draw Line icon (
) in the annotation toolbar.
- Click on the map or image where the line should begin, and drag or trace
an area as needed.
- When you're finished, release the mouse click to place the line.
To change the line color or thickness after it has been drawn:
- Click to select the line you placed on your map.
- Select a color from the Line drop‑down menu and adjust
the thickness from the Thinckness drop‑down menu in the
annotation toolbar.

To move a line you have placed on your map:
- Click to select the line you want move.
- When the line is selected, a four‑directional arrow (
) is displayed when you hover
over the line to indicate it can be moved.
- Click and drag the line to the new location.
To resize a a line you have placed on your map:
- Click to select the line you want resize.
- When the line is selected, white boxes appear around the perimeter to
indicate it can be resized.
- Move your mouse cursor over a white box and it changes to a
two‑directional arrow (
- When you see the two‑directional arrow (
), click and drag
to resize the line.
To rotate a line you have placed on your map:
- Click to select the line you want rotate.
- When the line is selected, a handle extends from the perimeter to indicate
it can be rotated
- Move your mouse to the green dot above the line to display the rotation
icon (
- When you see the rotation icon, click and drag to rotate the line.
- When you're finished, release the mouse button to set your rotation.
To delete a line from your map:
- Select the line on your map.
- Press the Delete key on your keyboard, or right‑click the
line and select delete from the drop‑down menu to remove the line.