Find and Replace

TOTAL has its own built‑in Find and Replace feature that lets you locate and/or change any text within your report. Follow the instructions below to find and replace text in your report:

  1. With a report open, click Edit in the toolbar on the upper left, and select Find and Replace.

  2. In the Find and Replace window that appears, you have a few options:

    1. Enter the word or phrase you want to search for in the Find what field
    2. If you want to replace the Find what text ( A ) in your report with a new word or phrase, type the replacement text in the Replace with field.
    3. Use the Look in dropdown to choose whether you want to search the Current field, Current page, Current form, or the Entire report.
    4. Check the box next to Match whole word to search for any instance that matches the Find what text ( A ) exactly and exclude any partial instances found in larger words.
      For example, if you're searching for the word THE, check the Match whole word box to skip past words such as THERE, THESE, OTHER, etc.
    5. Check the box next to Match case to search only for text that matches the case of the text entered in the Find what field ( A ).
    6. Click Find Next to locate the first instance that occurs in your report. Click Find Next again to locate the next instance, and so on.
    7. Click Replace to replace the first instance of the term in your report with the text entered in the Replace with field ( B ). Click Replace again, to locate and replace the next instance, and so on.
    8. Click Replace All to replace all instances of the Find what text ( A ) in your report simultaneously.
  3. When you're finished, click Close to return to your report.